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董其昌与黄道周是两个完全不同的类型,前者八面玲珑,常怀出世遁形之心、后者独立敢谏,满腔入世救国热血;一个是横行乡里、激起民变的豪绅官宦,一个是高风亮节、忠君爱国的民族英雄;前者颇有意于成为艺坛领袖.后者只不过以之为钓弋余能的小事。两者可谓是风牛马不相及! 但两者又都处于相同的明末社会,政治背景下:黄道周生于比董氏晚三十年的1585年;而卒年为1646年,只比董氏晚了十年,两者同事过明熹宗、思宗帝。为什么在贴学式微的嬗变点上,选择了不同的风格道路——一个稳健地追随传统.一个进行有效的反叛?本文无意于依照旧史“论资排辈”的习惯,而欲以文化意识、艺术实践为切入点,试图通过比较分析,从文化的角度来把握两种书风的差异点,并对董、黄在艺术史上的作用作一浅略论述,以求正于方家。一仕途的比较明末,风雨飘摇,国事蜩螗,封建社会正面临末世的悲凉洗礼,政治上的阴霾使朝廷官员屡遭弹劾,朝不保夕。 Dong Qichang and the ecliptic zodiac are two completely different types. The former is sleek and graceful, often bearing the birth of a stealthy heart. The latter independently dares to remonstrate and joins the world in saving the nation and blood. One is a tyrant of gentry who is rampant in the village and provokes civil commotion. , Loyalty to the patriotic national hero; the former quite interested in becoming the leader of the art alien, the latter only as a fishing Yi Yuneng small. Both can be described as irrelevant! But both are in the same late Ming and Qing Dynasties, the political context: the ecliptic was born in 1585 than Dong’s late thirty years; and the death year was 1646, only Dong ten years later, both colleagues Ming Xi Zong, Si Zong emperor. Why choose a different style of path - a steady follow tradition, in the micro-evolution of the teaching mode, an effective rebellion? This article is not intended to follow the old history of “seniority” habit, but rather to cultural awareness, artistic practice As a breakthrough point, trying to grasp the differences between the two kinds of calligraphic styles from a cultural point of view through comparative analysis, and give a brief account of the role of Dong and Huang in the history of art so as to seek positive results in Fang’s family. The first career is the end of the Ming Dynasty, precarious, shy state, feudal society is facing the end of sadness and baptism, the political haze of the court officials repeatedly impeached, precarious.
我生在阴历六月初六。鸡叫头遍的时候我妈开始肚子疼。我妈是个皮实人,生头胎也没哭叫一声,我是她第三个孩子,以为生起来像摘瓜一样轻便,谁知露了头却又卡在产道里。我妈浑身大颤,汗淌得像刚从河里捞上来,最后眼里都出了血,昏死过去。眼看大人孩子都活不成,我奶奶把我妈头发往大梁上一挽,搂起我妈后腰用膝盖一顶——我落生了。  命都是拿命换的,哪个贱?我奶奶说,活着难,再难也难不过你妈生你。可得好好活。  您奶奶
1  李老师正在和电视“相看两不厌”之时,手机震动了,在床单上打转,像点着没冲上天的炮仗。电视里,航天员飘浮在宇宙飞船上面,手挥国旗,向全世界示意。李老师接起电话的同时,摁灭了电视,只留下一个空寂的屏幕。  电话里,文老师说她的手起了一个红痘痘,痒。  过了一会,小心翼翼的敲门声传到文老师的床边。  “谁啊?”文老师软绵绵地问。  没有应答。  文老师下床开门。李老师肥硕的身躯从门缝挤进,如有缩骨
一对于我来说,安洛是这世上最特别的女孩,她从3个月前开始出现。半年前,我家搬到一个颇为偏远的地方,窗外可见连绵起伏的群山,其实,这是家人给我选择的休养之地。 For me, A
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