
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:initialD2004
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2009-2011年间对江苏省12地1市共59个区县市290个乡镇的小麦孢囊线虫病发生情况进行了系统调查,并结合GIS软件,绘制了该病害的发生分布、群体密度及其与土壤质地之间关系的地理信息矢量图。调查结果表明:在580个调查点中,有47个区市县152个乡镇的301个调查点发现CCN;在苏北的徐州地区、苏中的泰州和扬州地区以及苏南的镇江地区CCN发生较为普遍,而江苏其他地区发生率相对较低。不同地区平均CCN群体密度差异较大,徐州、扬州和泰州地区样品分别为34.4、17.5和17.1个孢囊/100 mL土,而连云港、南通和苏州等地区仅为3~5个孢囊/100 mL土;ArcGIS矢量图显示江苏省小麦孢囊线虫病发病田的孢囊群体密度与土壤质地有密切的关系,在土壤质地为沙土和沙壤土的发病田孢囊群体密度普遍较高,徐州沛县王店镇的CCN样品孢囊群体密度最高达到了191.0个/100 mL土,而土壤质地为粘土的病田小麦孢囊线虫群体密度相对较低。本研究为宏观了解小麦孢囊线虫病在江苏省的发生情况和监测发病重灾区CCN的田间发生动态规律提供参考,并为今后的病害综合防控技术示范与推广提供理论依据。 During 2009-2011, the occurrence of wheat cyst nematode disease in 290 townships in 59 districts, counties and cities in 12 districts and 1 cities in Jiangsu Province was investigated systematically. Combined with GIS software, the occurrence distribution, population density and population density of the disease Geographical information related to the texture of the soil vector illustration. The survey results show that in 580 survey sites, CCNs were found in 301 survey points in 152 townships in 47 districts and counties; CCN occurred in Xuzhou area in northern Jiangsu, Taizhou and Yangzhou areas in central Jiangsu Province and Zhenjiang area in southern Jiangsu Province More common, while the incidence in other parts of Jiangsu is relatively low. The average CCN population density in different areas is quite different. The samples in Xuzhou, Yangzhou and Taizhou are 34.4, 17.5 and 17.1 cysts / 100 mL soil respectively, while only 3 ~ 5 cysts / 100 in Lianyungang, Nantong and Suzhou areas mL soil. The ArcGIS vector map showed that the density of cyst population of wheat cyst nematode in Jiangsu Province was closely related to the soil texture. The density of cysts in cytoplasm of sandy soil and sandy loam soil was generally high, The density of CCN sample cysts in Wangdian reached 191.0 per 100 mL of soil, while the density of wheat cyst nematode in soil with clay texture was relatively low. This study provides a reference for the macroscopic understanding of the occurrence of wheat cyst nematode disease in Jiangsu Province and the monitoring of the occurrence regularity of CCN in severely affected areas, and provides the theoretical basis for the demonstration and promotion of integrated disease control and prevention technologies in the future.
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