药物性聋是指服用耳毒性药物后,引起值听神经系统中毒性损害,导致不同程度的听力或平衡障碍,属于感觉神经性聋,目前还是难治之症。据统计,全国每年因药物致聋的达几万人之多。这不仅是个人及家庭的问题。而且成为一个社会问题。 另一组资料表明:后天性聋哑人中因药物引起的占35.4%,而因感冒发热使用抗菌素药物致聋的占药物性聋的68.6%。可见药物使用不当,尤其是抗菌素的滥用造成中毒致聋的占很大比例。而这种情况只要医患双方提高对耳毒性药物和药物性聋的认识,谨慎使用,绝大多数可避免。 研究证实,现有耳毒性药物十八类100余种,有抗菌素、利尿剂、抗疟药、抗肿瘤药、抗惊厥药、镇静药、避孕药、麻醉药、抗糖尿病药、止痛药等,其中以抗菌素、利尿剂和抗肿瘤药致聋的最为常见。特别是氮基戒类抗菌素如链霉素、
Drug-induced deafness refers to the use of ototoxic drugs, causing the value of hearing the nervous system toxic damage, resulting in varying degrees of hearing or balance disorders, are sensory nerve deafness, is still refractory disease. According to statistics, tens of thousands of people in the country suffer from deafness each year due to drugs. This is not just a personal and family issue. And become a social problem. Another group of data shows that acquired drug-induced deafness accounts for 35.4% of acquired acquired deaf-mutes and 68.6% of drug-induced deafness caused by the use of antimicrobial agents due to cold and fever. Shows that improper use of drugs, especially the abuse of antibiotics caused by deafness accounted for a large proportion. In this case, as long as both doctors and patients raise awareness about ototoxic drugs and drug-induced deafness, caution should be exercised, and the vast majority can be avoided. The study confirmed that the existing ototoxic drugs eighteen categories of more than 100 species, antibiotics, diuretics, antimalarial drugs, antineoplastic agents, anticonvulsants, sedatives, contraceptives, anesthetics, antidiabetic drugs, painkillers and so on, Among them, antibiotics, diuretics and antineoplastic agents are the most common deafness. In particular, nitrogen antibacterial antibiotics such as streptomycin,