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1月12日获悉:联想科技透露的统计表明,我国投影机市场已经连续4年以超过100%的速度增长;专家预测,2000年投影机市场的主流配置将是:800×600的分辨率、1000ANSI 流明、价位在5万元左右的低档机型和1024×768的分辨率、1000ANSI 流明左右、价位在6-7万元左右的中档机型。为此,联想科技今年将主打 Toshiba 代表低端和中端产品的TLP45/65系列。Toshiba 以前一直主推高端,去年才推出代表低端和中端产品的TLP45/65系列,一经推出就受到业界的好评。TLP45/65系列的亮度达到1200 ANSI流明,使之能适用于多种投影场合;TLP45/65系列重量仅为3.7公 January 12 was informed: Lenovo revealed statistics show that China’s projector market has been for more than 100% of the rate of growth for 4 consecutive years; experts predict that in 2000 the projector market will be the mainstream configuration: 800 × 600 resolution, 1000ANSI lumens, the price of about 50,000 yuan in low-end models and 1024 × 768 resolution, 1000ANSI lumens around the price of 6-7 million mid-range models. To this end, Lenovo will be the flagship Toshiba this year on behalf of the low-end and midrange products TLP45 / 65 series. Toshiba has been the main push high-end, last year launched on behalf of low-end and midrange products TLP45 / 65 series, once launched by the industry’s praise. TLP45 / 65 series brightness of 1200 ANSI lumens, making it suitable for a variety of projection occasions; TLP45 / 65 series weighs only 3.7 public
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