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伟大的时代是英雄早成的时代。不久前,人民网联合大学生杂志社举办“2006优秀大学生年度人物”评选活动激荡全国。不少热心关注者都纷纷通过网上投票和发手机短信的形式支持自己欣赏的莘莘学子。与此同时,本刊则从百名候选人当中挑选了人气指数较高的16位学子,通过长长的电话线,走进了这些学子的心间,走进了他们久违的中学时光,与他们一起回味了那令人难忘的岁月。记者发现,这些大学生当中既有身残志坚努力求学者,也有身兼多份家教勤工俭学者;既有集百项创造发明于一身的小发明家,也有志向远大为民服务的学生官。走进他们的世界,可以看到一幅幅因青春而精彩的画面;走进他们的世界,才发现被“优秀大学生”光环笼罩的背后,也曾有过迷茫、失落,也曾流过汗水、泪水。一个个精彩的成长故事告诉人们,他们今天所拥有的这份成绩绝非偶然,正是凭着中学时光奠定的那份执着和勇敢,才迎来了今天一道道绚丽的彩虹。 The great era is a time when the hero was early. Not long ago, People’s Daily Union University magazine held “2006 Outstanding University Students of the Year ” selection activities stir the country. Many enthusiastic followers have voted and send text messages through the Internet to support their own appreciation of students. In the meantime, we selected 16 top students with high popularity index from among 100 candidates. Through their long phone lines, they walked into the hearts of these students and went to their long lost middle school days together with them Memorable that memorable years. The reporters found that among these undergraduates, they not only worked hard for scholars but also had more than one part-time job-seekers and workers; they included both small inventors who invent inventions and those who serve ambitious citizens. Into their world, you can see a picture due to youth and wonderful; Into their world, only to be “” outstanding college students "halo behind, but also had confused, lost, also had flow Over sweat, tears. One wonderful story of growth tells people that the achievement they have today is by no means a coincidence. It is by virtue of their dedication and courage laid by their secondary school that they ushered in a glittering rainbow today.
目的:观察预针刺对阿尔茨海默病(AD)样大鼠海马区核苷酸结合寡聚化结构域样受体3(NLRP3)、胱天蛋白酶-1(Caspase-1)、白介素1 β(IL-1β)以及活化的小胶质细胞(MG)数量的影响
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  目的 研究上海儿童青少年5年肥胖变化趋势,了解上海儿童肥胖流行病学情况,为上海地区临床制定合理干预肥胖提供线索.方法 2003年随机抽取上海两区(1市区,1郊区),普查该2