
来源 :陕西医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youyanma
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患女48岁,已婚,以“上环12年月经量增多2年、阴道肿块1月之主诉入院。 12年前足月顺产1男婴,3月后宫内放置一金属节育环,此后10年中经量及周期均正常,2年来经量渐增多,经期延长,伴下腹部隐痛,劳累后加重,未诊治。近5月来经量明显增多,经期延长至14~15d。伴头晕,不能下床活动,乡医院对症治疗后稍级解。1月前又因劳累后阴道突出一肿物,因易出血及疼痛特来本院就诊。查体:T36.5℃,P90次/min,R18次/min,Bp14/10kPa,发育正常,营养中等,神志清楚,查体合作。 The female patient is 48 years old and married, "the increase of 12-year menstrual flow in Sheung Wan for 2 years and the main complaint of vaginal mass in Jan. 12 years ago, a full-term 1-year-old baby was born and a metal IUD was placed in the posterior uterus in March, The amount of menstrual flow and the cycle are normal, 2 years by the amount gradually increased, menstrual extension, accompanied by abdominal pain, increased after exertion, not diagnosed and treated .In recent 5 months the amount increased significantly, menstrual period extended to 14 ~ 15d. With dizziness, can not Get out of bed activities, township hospital symptomatic treatment after a slight solution .A month ago due to fatigue after the vaginal prominent a tumor due to bleeding and pain particularly to our hospital. Physical examination: T36.5 ℃, P90 times / min, R18 times / min, Bp14 / 10kPa, normal development, moderate nutrition, conscious, physical examination.
The low laser induced damage threshold of the KH2PO4 crystal seriously restricts the output power of inertial confinement fusion.The micro-waviness on the KH2PO
患女,28岁,孕2产1,早孕40d,于1992年6月21日行人流术,刮出物与月份相符,并见到绒毛组织,手 术结束时给宫内放入T型避孕环。术后2d(即闭经42d),患者因阴道出血来院复诊,行B超