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这篇散文生动地记述了作为学生到新加坡学校交流时的所见所闻。作者在旅游过程中做了细致的观察,对乘飞机和晚宴的感觉很细腻。如乘飞机时,在高空看到以前高不可及而今却近在咫尺的白云时,写道:“似乎一打开面前的舷窗就可抓一把棉花糖好好嚼嚼。”这种感觉不仅写活了当时的情景,而且把当时的心情也写活了。在写景的同时融进自己的感情,景物使心灵得到的感受被置于文章的重点,这就使文章具有了韵味,具有了灵气,而不仅仅停留在游记的层面上。除此,作者尤其善于捕捉有新鲜感的事物加以描述。在描写新加坡的景色时,敏感地抓住热带国家的特点,写绿,写老枝,写青藤绿蔓,等等。在写富于南洋风情的热带风光时,写出自己的观察和感觉,让读者也感觉到了奇异的国度里的一些新鲜事。值得注意的是,作者在写新加坡的教师和学生时,能够紧紧围绕主题,写出人物的气质、人性,同时写出他们对中国来的小客人的关爱之情,使文章有人有情,文情并茂,特色鲜明。 This prose vividly describes what he saw as a student when he went to a school in Singapore. The author has made detailed observations in the process of travel, and he is very delicate about the plane and the dinner. When flying in front of an airplane, you can see white clouds that were previously too high to reach and are close at hand, write: “It seems that you can grab a handful of marshmallows just before you open the porthole to chew.” This feeling is not only We wrote the scene at that time and we wrote the mood at the time. While immersing himself in the scenery, he blends in his own feelings. The scenery brings the feelings of the soul into the focus of the essay. This gives the article a charm and aura, not just on the level of the travel notes. In addition, the author is particularly adept at capturing novel things to describe. When describing the scenery in Singapore, he sensitively grasped the characteristics of tropical countries, wrote green, wrote old branches, wrote vines, and so on. When writing tropical scenes rich in Southeast Asian style, write your own observations and feelings, so that readers also feel something new in the strange country. It is worth noting that when writing the teachers and students in Singapore, the authors were able to focus on the theme, write out the temperament and humanity of the characters, and at the same time write out their love for the younger guests from China. Affectionate and distinctive.
利用Euler-Lagrangian方法模拟了固体火箭发动机燃气喷射推力矢量喷管气固两相内流场,研究了固体颗粒对喷管推力矢量性能的影响.气相采用Roe格式和MUSCL(monotone upstream-c
1988年12月国家技术监督局批准发布了GB/T10300—88《质量管理和质量保证》系列国家标准,并于1989年8月1日起正式实施。这套标准是在等效采用国际标准化组织 In December 1
罗伯特·唐古拉斯(Robert K.Douglas,1838—1913)是伦敦国王学院(King’s College London)的汉学教授、大英博物馆研究员。他于1875年5月至6月间在英国皇家学院做题为“中国
摘要:随着工程热力学相关热工技术、节能环保问题的日益凸显,“工程热力学”教学改革需要深入。论述了开展研讨形式授课的教学模式的指导思想、作用和具体内容及实施方案等,该方法为调动学生积极性、丰富教学手段以提高“工程热力学”课程的教学质量提供了指导。  关键词:研讨式教学;工程热力学;启发性原则  作者简介:耿凡(1982-),女,江苏徐州人,中国矿业大学电力工程学院,讲师;王迎超(1982-),男,山