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今年,按照党中央和集团公司党组部署,北京市邮政分公司党委结合实际开展了“三严三实”专题教育,以高度的政治责任感和实际行动确保专题教育取得实际成效。深刻理解“三严三实”内涵要求和重大意义习近平总书记提出的“三严三实”要求,言简意赅、精辟深刻、内涵丰富,贯穿了马克思主义政党建设的基本原则和内在要求,体现了共产党人的价值追求和政治品格。“三严三实”丰富和发展了党的建设理论,明确了 This year, in accordance with the party-group deployment of the Party Central Committee and the group company, the party committee of the Beijing Municipal Post Branch has conducted a special education on “Three Strictnesses and Three Facts” in light of its actual conditions, and has made practical achievements in thematic education with a high sense of political responsibility and practical actions. Profoundly Understanding the Connotations and Significances of “Three Strictnesses, Three Truths and Three Realities” General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the requirement of “three strictures and three truths”, concise and profound, incisive and profound, which runs through the basic principles and internal requirements of the Marxist party building , Reflecting the pursuit of communist values ​​and political character. “Strictness and truth ” enriched and developed the party building theory, made it clear
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9 ~(13)C自旋-晶格弛豫时间(T_1)的测量及应用 9.1 测定T_1的方法 9.1.1 倒向—恢复法此法是用(180°-τ-90°)_n脉冲系列作用于样品。磁化矢量M_0在180°脉冲作用下倒向(图
在大赛期间举行的全国中等职业学校学生技能作品展洽会上,一些创意独特、构思巧妙的作品,体现了我国职业教育的水平,吸引了大家的目光。比赛现场,来自全国各 During the exh
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