
来源 :今日工程机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchendewei
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在2008年这个既有奥运又是政府换届的特殊之年,中国企业生存的命运,似乎又一次站在了十字路口。2008年新年的第一天,中国企业收到一个大大的红包:新企业所得税法和实施条例的施行,不仅意味着内资企业税负的减轻,更重要的是中国所有的企业从此站在了同一起跑线上,市场环境更加公平、宽松。 In 2008, the special year in which both the Olympic Games and the government changed hands, the fate of Chinese enterprises seems to have stood at a crossroad again. On the first day of the 2008 New Year, Chinese enterprises received a big red envelope: the implementation of the new Enterprise Income Tax Law and the implementation regulations not only mean the reduction of tax burden on domestic-funded enterprises, but more importantly, all the Chinese enterprises stood on the same Starting line, the market environment is more fair and relaxed.
A traveler came out of the airport while there were a lot of taxis waiting for passengers.After asking several taxi drivers’ names,he took the third one.And it
喜欢唱歌吗?日本的一家玩具生产商即将推出一款便携式私人卡拉OK机。有了它,你可以随时随地亮出歌喉,而无须排队等候麦克风。 Do you like to sing? Japanese toy maker is
英语中表示“建议”的词是suggest与advise,二者的用法既有相同之处,也有不同之处,现归纳如下。    1. 表示“建议干某事”时,用:suggest/advise doing sth. 如:  They suggested/advised putting the sports meeting off.  他们建议运动会延期举行。    2. 表示“建议某人干某事”时,用: advise
法国可涅克酒(白兰地酒)的酒瓶上,常常可以看到以下标记: Three Stars:三星,贮藏4.5年以下。VS.O.P.:Very Superior Old Pale非常优质的陈年浅色白兰地。至少贮藏4.5年的白兰
笔友,一个好听的名字。在“百度”里输入这两个字,搜索的结果是“通信朋友,通常为未见过面而与之友好地继续通信的人”。 Penpals, a nice name. Enter these two words in
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