全社会都要爱护儿童,教育儿童,为儿童做表率,为儿童办实事——这是今年“六·一”儿童节不同于往年的一个显著特点。 为使全省儿童过一个祥和、愉快、实在的“六·一”节,省妇女儿童工作委员会在“六·一”儿童节到来之前,就发出了“全社会都要爱护儿童,教育儿童,为儿童做表率,为儿童办实事的通知,很快引起社会各界的关注。山
The whole society must care for and educate children, set an example for children and do practical work for children - a remarkable feature of this year’s “Children’s Day” that is different from previous years. In order for the province’s children to have a peaceful, enjoyable and effective “June 1” festival, the Provincial Women’s and Children’s Working Committee sent out before the “June 1” Children’s Day that "the whole society should care for children, educate children, To set an example for children and do practical things for children has quickly aroused the concern of all sectors of society.