
来源 :中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:languihe71
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目的:提供革螨传播肾综合征出血热病毒(HFRSV)的分子生物学证据。方法:用上海真厉螨与柏氏禽刺螨叮咬HFRSV接种乳小鼠,取叮咬后d10及d100以上的上海真厉螨与柏氏禽刺螨冰冻切片,用地高辛标记HFRSVcDNA核酸探针原位分子杂交检测其体内病毒RNA。结果:叮咬野鼠型(76-118株)接种乳小鼠后d10上海真厉螨检出病毒RNA,在细胞浆、细胞核中及核膜上呈细密颗粒状或全浆阳性,见于生殖器官细胞、胃及支囊上皮细胞及脑皮质细胞;叮咬家鼠型(UR株)病毒接种乳小鼠后d12螨亦检出病毒RNA,病毒的细胞组织分布与野鼠型相同;分别检测野鼠型螨31只和家鼠型23只,其中阳性分别为17只和10只;叮咬野鼠型病毒接种乳小鼠后d132,家鼠型d102螨仍能检出病毒RNA。柏氏禽刺螨叮咬野鼠型病毒接种乳小鼠d10,检测螨20只,其中阳性12只,病毒RNA主要分布于生殖器官细胞内。结论:上海真厉螨与柏氏禽刺螨均可经叮咬获得HFRSV,上海真厉螨可分别感染野鼠型和家鼠型HFRSV,野鼠型在螨群体内至少可维持132d,家鼠型102d,具有贮存两型病毒的作用,是HFRSV的适宜媒介和贮存宿主,在动物宿主间交叉传播两型HFRSV中? OBJECTIVE: To provide molecular biology evidences that leather mite transmission of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus (HFRSV). Methods: The mice were inoculated with HFRSV by bites of Trichoplusia nigerians and Platycodon pallidum. Frozen sections of Trichoplusia nippon and Apodemus patens above d10 and d100 after bites were labeled with digoxigenin, and labeled with HFRSV DNA probe in situ Hybridization to detect its viral RNA in vivo. Results: After being inoculated with the mice, the bovine wild type mouse (76-118 strain) detected the viral RNA at d10, and showed fine granular or whole plasma positive in the cytoplasm, nucleus and nuclear membrane, which were found in reproductive organs, Gastric and bronchial epithelial cells and cerebral cortical cells. The virus RNA was also detected in d12 mite after mice were inoculated with the mouse strain of house-bourgeon (UR strain) virus. The distribution of the virus cells was the same as that of the wild-type mice. Thirty-one And 23 domestic mice, of which 17 were positive and 10 mice; bite wild-mouse virus inoculated mice d132, domestic mice d102 mite still detectable viral RNA. Parkinson’s pteronyssinus biting wild-type virus inoculated mice d10, 20 mites were detected, of which 12 were positive, viral RNA mainly distributed in the reproductive organs cells. CONCLUSION: HFRSV can be obtained by biting bites of Trichoplusia nigerians and Platanus spp. Both of them can infect wild-type and domesticated HFRSV. The wild-type mites can maintain at least 132 days in mite population and 102 days in domestic mice, The role of storage of two types of viruses, HFRSV is the appropriate vector and storage host, cross-transmission of animal HFRSV in two types?
取玉米须20~50克、鲜芭蕉根150~200克、瘦猪肉100~200克,加水炖,吃肉服汤,分早晚2次服、一般5~7天即愈。 Take corn must be 20 to 50 grams, fresh plantain root 150 to 200
[本刊讯] 9月24日,丰台区政府召开第五次人口普查领导小组第一次会议,丰台区政府常务副区长、区五普领导小组组长吴世民出席了会议。会议听取了区统计局局长、区五普领导小组副组长
<正> 本文以红细胞C3b受体酵母菌花环和红细胞免疫复合物花环试验,比较了当归补血汤及其组成药物对红细胞免疫功能的影响。复方能显著提高小鼠红细胞免疫功