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假性血友病是一种非血小板减少性出血性疾病,有家族性发病的特点,但与真性血友病不同,可自男女两性遗传给男女两性。症状多以鼻出血与粘膜出血为主。我院曾牧治1例,以花生米治疗收到了效果,现报告于下:患者女性3岁,因继续性鼻出血及牙龈出血一年半,近10天加重,于1964年6月15日入院。患儿于生后一岁半开始出现鼻出血及牙龈出血,反复发作,每次持续4~6天,亦有时延长至10余天,每次出血量不多,可自行停止。有时四肢出现大小不等的青紫斑,数日后自行消失。半年前曾因手指刺伤出血达3天,10天前因头部轻度外伤,皮下出现血肿伴有鼻腔及口腔出血而来院。既往史无特殊可记之处,父亲早年有鼻出血及牙龈出血史,母健康,长兄3岁时因多次出血死亡。祖父母及外祖父母和舅父均无出血史。患儿发育正常,面色苍白,头部有2×3厘米血肿,左前臂、左肩、腰部及臀部可见散在的陈旧性大小不等青紫瘀斑。心脏各瓣膜可闻及Ⅱ级收缩期杂音。血红蛋白9克,红细 Pseudohemophilia is a non-thrombocytopenic hemorrhagic disease characterized by familial morbidity, but unlike true hemophilia, hereditary hemophilia can be inherited from both men and women. The main symptoms of nasal bleeding and mucosal bleeding. Our hospital had a case of pastoralism, received the effect of peanut treatment, are reported below: The patient female 3 years old, due to persistent nasal bleeding and bleeding gums a year and a half, nearly 10 days aggravated, on June 15, 1964 admission. Children with epistaxis and gingival bleeding at the age of one and a half after birth, recurrent, each lasting 4 to 6 days, sometimes extended to more than 10 days, each small amount of bleeding can be stopped on their own. Occasionally, four limbs appear purple spots, disappear on their own after a few days. Six months ago, he had a finger stab wound bleeding for 3 days, 10 days ago due to mild head trauma, subcutaneous hematoma associated with nasal and oral bleeding to the hospital. Past history no special noteable place, his father had nosebleeds and bleeding gums in his early years, the mother of health, elder brother died of multiple bleeding at 3 years old. No grandparent and grandparent and uncle had a history of bleeding. Children with normal development, pale, the head with 2 × 3 cm hematoma, left forearm, left shoulder, waist and buttocks scattered scattered in the old size ranging bruise ecchymosis. Heart valves can smell and Ⅱ systolic murmur. Hemoglobin 9 grams, red fine
通过研读教材以及近年高考物理试题,发现教材以及高考试题在描述带电体的电荷量时,对于是否需要带上正负号,出现了不同的描述,本文对此提出了建议。 Through the study of t
肾小管性酸中毒(Renal tubulal acido-sis)系肾性酸中毒的一种罕见类型,近年颇引起医学界的重视,成年的病例在国内亦曾有报导。兹将我院所遇到的以血钾过低所致肌麻痺为突出
报告武汉市抽样调查118,665人的精神发育不全资料,患 病率为1.3‰,先天性异常者占43.5%,其中17.9%为染色体异常并有指、掌 等皮纹明显变异,56.5%为后天因素致病,4岁以前发病达88
肌注維生素B_(12)引起过敏反应者报导不多,为引起注意,現将二例綜合报导如下。例1 患婴楊××,女性,8个月,第一胎,足月順产,因母奶不足而加牛乳及奶羔混合餵养, 經常患消化