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6月9日,美国中情局前雇员斯诺登通过媒体披露其揭秘者身份,随后又曝光“棱镜”项目中包括中国在内的多国为美国监控目标时,中美首脑加州“庄园会晤”刚结束,西方媒体对此报导还大多扯上中国向美国发动网络攻击的问题。本期“关注中国”栏目的文章,便以“奥巴马和习近平承诺建设新型关系,不过在网络间谍问题上仍存在分歧”为题。但截至本刊发稿,“棱镜门”的演进已令美国在网络空间的不义之举昭然于世。美国超强的科技及互联网优势使其在信息监控、网络谍战上轻而易举地胜人一筹,为何偏要在此问题上作圣人状,对他国指指点点,究竟是当惯老大的自然做派,是贼喊捉贼的虚张声势,还是只许州官放火不许百姓点灯的霸道?科技革命使网络时代的国家安全面临全新问题,“棱镜门”使世界痛感在这一新的尚无管控的领域制定“网络游戏规则”的紧迫性。拒不接受将互联网交由联合国托管的态度,已表明即便在虚拟世界美国也不会拱手让出世界领导者的地位。但坐下来谈判已成美国必然的选择。第五轮中美战略与经济对话便已将此列入议题。 On June 9, when the former CIA employee Snowden disclosed the identity of the Secret Agent through the media and later exposed the “Prism” project to monitor U.S. targets in various countries including China, the summit between the two heads of state of China and the United States in California “Just concluded, most of the Western media coverage of this report also touches on China to launch a cyber attack on the United States. In this issue of ”Concerned about China,“ the article entitled ”Obama and Xi Jinping promised to build a new type of relationship, but there are still differences on the issue of cyber espionage.“ However, as of this publication, the evolution of Prism Gate has caused the U.S. unjustified move in cyberspace. The superior technology and Internet advantages of the United States make it easy to excel in information surveillance and cyberwarfare. Why is it that the United States should act like a savior on this issue? Is it a hegemonic act of thieving thieves or thieves who only allow state officials to set fire to the scene? The revolution in science and technology has brought new problems to the national security in the cyber age. ”Prism“ has made the world feel painless in this new and unregulated area ”The rules of online games " urgency. Refusing to accept that the Internet is being hosted by the United Nations has shown that even in the virtual world, the United States will not surrender its position as world leader. But sitting down negotiations has become a necessary choice for the United States. The fifth round of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue has already included this issue.
中华古籍保护计划已实施六年,根据当前古籍修复工作状况,本文就培养古籍修复人才的途径、对人才的要求以及古籍修复人员应具有的职业操守提出己见。 According to the curre
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一、核心词汇★★★father dad父亲;爸爸爸爸(口语)mother mom母亲,妈妈妈妈(口语)grandfather grandpa(外)祖父(口语)(外)祖父grandmother grandma(外)祖母(口语)(外)祖母si
美国的历史很短,只有区区二百多年,在这个山移民构成的国家里,经过不同文化的淬炼,诞生出了两件足以傲视世界的东西——好莱坞和NBA。 好莱坞是情感的,代表美国人的想像力;N