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2018年11月8-10日,由成都大学主办,西南基础教育课程研究中心、《教育与教学研究》编辑部承办的“新时代教育:未来课堂”教育学术研讨会暨《教育与教学研究》编委会在成都大学隆重召开.在“新时代教育:未来课堂”教育学术研讨会中,来自全国大中小学、科研院所的两百余位专家、学者、一线教师和校长济济一堂,通过《基础教育现代化的关键问题》《从STEM到STEAM :中国基础教育改革路径探析》《英国中小学教育及其改革与发展》《未来课堂与教育改革的限制性原理》《高考改革,艰难破冰》《新高考背景下学生生涯规划》《新高考助推学校特色发展》《浙江高考新政背景下教学探索与实践》《课堂教学“弯道”超车》等学术报告,从战略的高度认识教学改革,研究新时代人才选拔与培养模式的改革,共话教育的改革与未来发展趋势;《教育与教学研究》编委会探讨期刊建设,建议根据二次学术文献及其评价引导办刊,下真功夫,注重专业性、规范性、特色化,注重文章选题、标题、内容、结构、研究方法,作者、编辑、期刊“三位一体”共生共荣,从而在新时代将《教育与教学研究》办成品牌学术期刊,敢于担当,以便更好地为教育服务.“,”:From November 8th to 10th ,2018 ,the “New Era Education :future classroom” education academic sympo-sium and the editorial board meeting of Education and Teaching Research which sponsored by Chengdu University and undertaken by Southwest Research Center for Basic Education Curriculum and Education and Teaching Research ,was grandly held in Chengdu University .More than 200 experts ,scholars ,school teachers and principals attended this sympos-ium .Through academic reports such as “the key issues of modernization on basic education” ,“from STEM to STEAM :ex-ploration and analysis of China’s basic education reform path” ,“British primary and secondary school education and its reform and development” ,“the restrictive principles of future classroom and education reform ” ,“reform of college en-trance examination :hard to break the ice” ,“students career planning under the background of the new college entrance examination” ,“boosting the development of school characteristics under the new college entrance examination ” ,“teaching exploration and practice under the new policy of Zhejiang college entrance examination ” “classroom teaching :corner over-taking” ,understanding the teaching reform from the strategic height ,researching the reform of talent selection and training modes in new era ,discussing with each other about the education reform and future development trend .The editorial board of Journal of Education and Teaching Research discussed about how to improve the quality of the journal together .Sugges-tions are these that the journal should be run under the guidance of secondary academic literatures and their evaluation , and real efforts are needed to focus on professionalism ,standardization and specialization ,and attention should be paid on topic ,title ,content ,structure and research method of articles .The “trinity” of author ,editor and journal can co-exist with co-prosperity .Thus in the new era ,Journal of Education and Teaching Research will be established as a brand academic journal ,so as to better serve for education .
尼日利亚是西非的一个多部族国家,大小部族共有二百多个。当地的民族风味食品按烹调用料不同,大致分南北两大系。尼日利亚南方属潮湿多雨的热带雨林区,盛产薯类、香蕉、柑桔、菠萝。北方为热带草原,主要粮食作物有黍子、高粱,其次是豆类、玉米和稻米,蔬菜则有番茄、葱等。大西洋沿海水域和众多的湖泊中鱼类资源较为丰富。  尼日利亚的薯类品种繁多,其中有木薯、红薯和甜薯等。每当薯类收获季节,全国各地都庆祝新薯节,人们
健康长寿是人们的美好愿望。民间传闻有所谓长寿者具有寿眉、耳毫、生命线长等特征,甚至还有“长寿者会使后代折寿”的说法。凡此种种,常给群众带来消极的影响。为此,我们将历年来所做的长寿老人调查研究的科学结论,提供给读者参考。  祖代长寿就会影响后代短寿吗?  我们在对长寿老人调查中,常发现长寿者后代误信民间传说“祖辈长寿,晚辈就会短寿”的观点。这种错误的观点常导致家庭矛盾,使长寿老人受虐待。  大量长寿