
来源 :中学生英语·学生综合天地 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_zq
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   Clarke found a very special mouse in his house. This mouse could shriek (尖叫) with melody (旋律). It seemed that it was the sound of a bird; meanwhile, it also seemed that the mouse was singing. But the fact was that it was a mouse who could sing. Clarke never heard that before.
   As a result, Clarke did something that all the people would do. He caught the mouse with effort. He kept the mouse in the cage because he wanted to get some extra (额外的) money by such a special animal. Then he took the mouse to the market to earn money. Soon the mouse and its master(主人) became very famous. Many people who didn’t believe such a story would come and many people also lost their money because of the bet (打赌) on this.
   The famous musician Marta Grimm also came to Clarke’s house and saw this special mouse. In Clarke’s house, he listened to the mouse’s song. Later he made his comment: The mouse’s singing was very pure and it had a very high music talent.
   After the musician confirmed(肯定), Clarke thought that the mouse he caught was really unique(罕见的). It seemed that it was the fairy(精灵) among animals. He thought that it was not proper to take it to the market to earn money, so he sent it to the lab in University of Michigan. He believed that the scientists there could use scientific(科学的) methods to find out the mystery.
   More than one scientist was sure that this mouse could sing. They were surprised that it was the only mouse that had such a talent for music. But no scientist could explain the reasons and no scientific methods could be used to analyze (分析) its physiological structure (生理构造).
   It was a problem that was hard to solve at that time. But it is very simple to explain it with scientific views now. In fact, every animal lives on the earth in its unique way. Their perceptions (感知能力) are very strong and they have their own methods to communicate with each other. Of course, they possess many different kinds of sounds. We shouldn’t ignore the existence(存在) and beauty of these sounds because of the limitations (局限) of human beings’ hearing.
   Many animals could send supersonic waves(超声波). But only bats and dolphins use this wave in their lives. The purpose of sending supersonic waves is mainly to prey (捕食) and bats and dolphins are typical(典型的). The supersonic waves that dolphins send could be back after they hit the fish. After dolphins receive the waves, they could catch their food by directions of the waves. Bat is also using the supersonic waves to find the insects (昆虫) and barriers (障碍).
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Break aleg!(反话正说)类似的情况还有很多。要想教出最新、最地道的语言,闲暇之时可以从网上看看“美剧”(中英字幕),既轻 Break aleg! There are many similar situations
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摘要:英语作为交流工具,它所需要的是交流者的主观能动性。在初中英语教学活动中,教师要充分利用学生的主观能动性,创设情景对话,激发学生学习的兴趣,促使学生在交流中主动地、生动地、活泼地学习初中英语。  关键词:初中英语 主观能动性 双主体 交流  一、英语教学意义  英语是世界通用语言之一,是联合国的工作语言之一,也是事实上的国际交流语言。随着我国加WTO和全球一体化形势的加快,英语作为交流工具,在
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