
来源 :石油工程建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lity1021
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在油田管道敷设施工中,穿越铁路公路、河堤的工程很多,为便于施工,我设计了一套顶管穿越的施工机具,经过八年的实践表明,使用效果良好。回顾起来,我认为其中自制柱塞式往复运动的百吨液压千斤顶可以向同行们作一介绍,供参考。一、柱塞式往复运动的百吨千斤顶的结构根据顶管施工工艺要求,需要大吨位,且能作往复运动的活塞式千斤顶。但是由于我们机加工能力差,不能加工活塞式千斤顶的缸体内孔,只能加工柱塞式千斤顶。但是原设计的柱塞千斤顶顶出后,柱塞不能自动回位,为解决这一问题,我设计了如下结构的掖压千斤顶(见图1)。 In the construction of pipeline laying in the oilfield, there are many projects across the railway and embankment. In order to facilitate the construction, I designed a set of construction equipment for pipe jacking. After eight years of practice, it has shown good results. In retrospect, I think one of the self-made plunger reciprocating hydraulic jack hundred tons can be made to my colleagues for reference. First, the plunger reciprocating structure of one hundred tons Jack According to the pipe jacking construction requirements, requires large tonnage, and can reciprocate piston jack. However, due to our poor machinability, it is not possible to process the cylinder bore of a piston jack and can only process the piston jack. However, after the plunger jack of the original design was ejected, the plunger can not be automatically returned to the seat. To solve this problem, I designed a pressure-activated jack with the following structure (see FIG. 1).
An associating MH equation of state (AMH EOS) is developed on the basis of the MH equation of state by incorporating the chemical association into it, a consta
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