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公务员法有规定,公务员在自愿的情况下可以经过正规程序进行退职申请。相关机关审批之后将会正式解除公务员与机关的职务。公务员辞职原本只是公务员机制中的正常退出机制,其目的是为了更好的提高公务员队伍的素质,壮大公务员的发展队伍。但是随着近年来公务员辞职现象的增加以及媒体的不实报道,社会上逐渐出现“公务员辞职热”的说法。这种说法引起了社会人士和政府机关的普遍关注,对社会造成了较为不良的影响。本文针对当前“公务员辞职热”的原因进行了思考与分析,并提出了相应的对策。 Civil Service Law provides that civil servants may voluntarily go through formal procedures to apply for their resignations. Relevant agencies will be formally lifted civil servants and institutions after the approval of the office. The civil service resignation was only a normal exit mechanism in the civil service mechanism. Its purpose was to better improve the quality of the civil service and to broaden the ranks of civil servants. However, with the increase of the resignation of civil servants in recent years and the false reports by the media, the saying that “the resignation of civil servants is hot” has gradually emerged in the society. This view has aroused the widespread concern of the community and government agencies, causing more adverse social effects. This article is based on the current “civil service resignation hot” reasons for thinking and analysis, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
家庭状况  王松,山东人,49岁,某公司财务主管。年薪10万元,有基本的社会保险。  妻子李爱枚,山东人,49岁,某公司办公室职员。月薪2500元,有基本的社会保险。  儿子,18岁,高三学生。  父母均在农村,每月需给双方老人各500元养老费用。    理财目标  希望5年后可以送儿子去英国攻读硕士学位,英国大学的研究生学费平均在1.5万英镑,生活费每年需要1万英镑,硕士研究生学制约1年零3个月
The recent years have seen Chinese universities, including prestigious ones, using various questionable tactics to attract top students after the college entrance examination. Large scholarships are o
As an all-male dance troupe from the Philippines did backflips and splits in stilettos on stage, the four judges and audience members cheered and applauded, giv