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这种扩孔钻用于精密深孔的扩孔加工。它以T15K6硬质合金刀片作刀头。加工过程中,刀具的导向由安装在切削刃后边的能自动调节的导向装置1来完成。这些导向装置组成了一个旋转体,它们松动地安装在滑块2的孔座里,滑块2安装在刀体上的斜槽中。加工时,安装在机床主轴中的专用键杆上的扩孔钻旋转,而装夹在夹具中的工件朝尾座方向移动,于是实现了进给。采用这种扩孔钻能提高加工精度,同时刀具的耐用度可提高0.5—1倍。 This reamer for deep hole reaming precision machining. It is T15K6 carbide blade blade. During machining, the guidance of the tool is accomplished by a self-adjusting guide 1 mounted on the rear edge of the cutting edge. These guides form a body of rotation, which are loosely mounted in the socket of the slider 2 which is mounted in a chute on the body. During machining, the reamer mounted on the special key rod in the spindle of the machine tool is rotated, and the workpiece clamped in the fixture is moved toward the tailstock, thus realizing the feed. Using this reamer can improve the machining accuracy, while the tool durability can be increased 0.5-1 times.
在讨论弯曲 XY_2基团的伸缩振动光谱时我们发现一些有规律的变化:当 X 不变,Y 按 F、Cl、Br、顺序变化时,V_1、V_2、V_3顺序变小;XY_2中 Y 固定,X 为同族元素,从上到下.V_1、
目的探讨影响曲靖市罗平县18岁以上农村居民糖尿病患病的社会经济影响因素。方法 2010年3~4月采用按比例概率抽样方法(PPS)抽取罗平县4 801名18岁及以上村民进行现场问卷调查
BaGa4,tetragonal space group I4/mmm with lattice parameters a=b=4.5650(8), c=10.786(2)A, V=224.77(7)A3,Dc=6.15 gcm-3,and Z=2,λ(MoKα)=0.71069A,μ=335.93cm-1,F
The reaction of vinylmagnesium bromide (1) with trityl chloride (2) was investigatedand the products were identified as triphenylmethane (3) (81%), acetylene (
C19H14N2O2ClSSb,Mr = 491.6, space group P1, a = 5.977(1), b= 8.708(1), c = 8.962(1) X, a=93.91(1),B= 103.25(1),r=94.80(1), V = 450.6 A3, Z = 1, Do = 1.79, DC =
本文报告了DPS8计算机MNDO程序。由于DPS8机对每个用户的内存限制,所以已改造了原始MNDO 程序使适应于该机型。这个程序可用于优化分子几何和寻找限制性反应过度态。作为应用
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