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《北国双拥模范城》是佳大斯市档案馆和佳木斯市双拥工作办公室合编的一部反映我市双拥工作的系统资料,全书60万字,图文并茂。书中较为详细系统地记述了佳木斯市军民在中国共产党的领导下,从抗日战争到解放战争,从抗美援朝到和平建设时期,从文化大革命到改革开放这样漫长的历史过程中军民共建共创的可歌可泣的业绩,展现出佳木斯军民创造“东北小延安”和全国双拥工作“四连冠”的历史过程和特有的精神风貌。我们这次编写《北国双拥模范城》,给我们许多有益的启示。首先,找准了编研工作的切入点。我们按照市政府的中心任务,安排了档案编研工作目标。这个目标确立之后,同市政府签了责任状,在建国50周年,在即将进行全国第四次双拥模范城评审之际,该书出版。我们围绕这一目标,对建国前后,特别是改革开放以后所有涉及佳木斯市军民共建文明城、共 “North China double-support model city” is a systematic data reflecting the double-support work of our city compiled by the ArchSD and the Jiamusi Shuang Yong Office of Jiashi City. The book contains 600,000 words and illustrations. The book narrates in more detail and systematically the military and civilian built-up by the military and civilian of Jiamusi City under the leadership of the CPC and from the Anti-Japanese War to the War of Liberation. From the period of resistance and the United States aid to peacebuilding and from the Cultural Revolution to the reform and opening up Epic performance, showing the history and unique spirit of Jiamusi army and civilians to create “Northeast Yanan ” and the national double support “four consecutive championships ” history and unique spirit. Our preparation of the “Double-support Model City in North China” this time gives us many helpful enlightenments. First of all, identify the entry point of editing work. In accordance with the central task of the municipal government, we have arranged the goal of compiling and researching archives. After this goal was established, it signed a letter of responsibility with the municipal government. At the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the book was published on the forthcoming review of the country’s fourth double support model city. We focus on this goal, before and after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially after the reform and opening up all involved in Jiamusi City civil and military build a civilized city
前言 地层分区的作用在于正确反映各区地层发育的总体特征,便于概括各地质时期地层沉积类型的空间分布及其在时间上的发展变化,以服务于地层区测工作和成层矿产找矿的布署和
<正> 在全国人民学习和实践“三个代表”、全面建设小康社会的21世纪初,适逢西北革命根据地的缔造者刘志丹将军诞辰100周年,重温刘志丹光辉战斗的一生和60年前毛泽东和周恩来
目的 探讨脑电双频指数(Bispectral index,BIS)在心脏手术体外循环麻醉深度监测中的应用效果观察。方法择期行体外循环下心内直视手术患者38例,包括低温体外循环下室缺修补术27