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1937年7月7日,卢沟桥事变之后,南京国民政府推选蒋介石为国共两党的抗日领袖。7月17日,蒋介石在江西九江庐山召开号召全国人民团结一心共同抗日,将日本侵略者赶出中国大地的动员大会。8月13日,蒋介石在上海点燃了第一把抗日的战火,狠狠地教训了东洋鬼子,东洋鬼子怀恨在心,曾先后几次轰炸溪口,中统特务头子陈立夫为了讨好蒋介石、宋美龄,建议蒋介石将子孙后代转移到抗日的后 On July 7, 1937, following the Lugouqiao Incident, the Nanjing National Government elected Chiang Kai-shek as the anti-Japanese leader of both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. On July 17, Chiang Kai-shek convened a mobilization meeting in Lushan, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, calling for the people of the whole nation to unite to fight Japan and push the Japanese invaders out of the land of China. On August 13, Chiang Kai-shek lit the first war of resistance against Japan in Shanghai, severely taught the east devils, and the devils in the east haunted him. He had successively bombed the Xikou several times, and Chen Li-fu, head of the SARS secret service, tried to please Chiang Kai-shek, Soong Mei-ling, It is recommended that Chiang Kai-shek be transferred to future generations after resistance
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