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新年春头,中国水电开门红。随着去年年底国务院常务会议审议通过,对已列入国家相关规划、具备建设条件的长江上游金沙江乌东德水电站项目予以立项后,这座继向家坝、溪洛渡、白鹤滩后的第4座滚动开发的大型水电站建设项目终于尘埃落定。 Spring New Year, China’s hydropower opened. With the approval of the State Council executive meeting at the end of last year and the approval of the Wudongde hydropower project on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, which has been listed in the relevant state plans and with the conditions for construction, this project, which is followed by Xiangjiaba, Xiluodu and Baihetan Block rolling development of large-scale hydropower station construction project finally settled.
传送带上物体的运动问题属于典型的动力学问题,它对理解应用物理概念和规律、培养分析物理过程和认识物理情景的能力具有很好的作用. The motion of objects on the conveyo
作为物理课堂教学的延伸,本文就几个常见的高中电磁学问题作了较详细的分析,供同学们参考. As an extension of physics classroom teaching, this article makes a detaile
应中山市海洋与渔业局之邀,珠江所副所长罗建仁研究员、所长助理胡隐昌副研究员出席该市11月6日在横栏镇举办的观赏鱼现场研讨 At the invitation of Zhongshan Ocean and F
同学们熟悉的正、余弦定理可以用向量证明.由此可以熟悉向量的概念和它的应用. The positive and cosine theorem that the students are familiar with can be proved by v
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11月9~10日,由南海所对虾健康养殖科研团队与海南省南疆生物技术公司协作,在海南省昌江开展斑节对虾和日本囊对虾高位池集约化 November 9 to 10, by the South China Sea sh