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根据冲绳海槽B-3GC钻孔柱状样芯花粉学记录, 探讨邻近岛屿9500 aBP以来环境变化. 研究表明, 多数时间以暖温带气候为主, 只有在全新世中期, 即6800-4400 aBP 曾受亚热带气候控制. 在9500- 8300和3100-2000 aBP时段, 气候相对变干、变冷. 周边陆地植被以常绿阔叶林和落叶阔叶林交替出现为主, 在高山地区有一定面积的针阔混交林分布. 多数情况下, 3种类型同时存在, 只是分布高度有所不同. 在6000-5000 aBP前后, 亚热带、热带的植物花粉成分大幅度增加, 反映植被带大幅度抬升, 常绿阔叶林面积扩大. 而在9500-8300和3000-2000 aBP 时段, 植被带有所下降, 常绿阔叶林面积缩小. 其他时段较现在略有上升, 但幅度有限. According to the pollen record of columnar core of B-3GC drilling in the Okinawa Trough, the environmental change of the neighboring islands since 9500 aBP was studied.The study shows that most of the time is dominated by warm temperate climate and only during the mid-Holocene, ie 6800-4400 aBP Subtropical climatic control In 9500-8300 and 3100-2000 aBP period, the climate is relatively dry and cool.Permanent land vegetation in the evergreen broad-leaved forest and deciduous broad-leaved forest alternating appearance, in the alpine area has a certain area of ​​needles In the majority of cases, the three types existed at the same time, but the distribution height was different. Before and after 6000-5000 aBP, the pollen composition of the subtropical and tropical plants increased significantly, which reflected that the vegetation belts were greatly uplifted and the evergreen broad The area of ​​forest was enlarged, while in 9500-8300 and 3000-2000 aBP periods, the vegetation decreased and the area of ​​evergreen broad-leaved forest narrowed down, while the other periods slightly increased, but the magnitude was limited.
温度对象种类繁多 ,普遍具有时间常数大、纯滞后时间长、时变性较明显等特点 ,这使得基于被控对象数学模型的常规控制方法、模糊控制方法及专家智能控制等方法在温度控制中有
应用热电离质谱(TIMS)技术, 在样品量极少(0.0186~0.143 g)的情况下测定了岱海沉积物样品中文石的年龄, 其值在(8740±601)~(10446±489) a之间, 未校正年龄测量精度2%~3%, 校正