
来源 :广西植物 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feifeifo123
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抗日胜利后翌年,陈焕镛老师重返西大任林学系主任。1947年推荐蒋英同志为林学系主任,他则专心致志恢复广西植物所前身西大植物所,所址设于农学院,一时林系与植所人员不分彼此,互相支援,并有系所一家的美称。与陈师相处十余年,其治学之道,足为后学榜样.概述如次。 每次采集员从野外采回的蜡叶标本、种子、幼苗等,陈师必亲自检查,凡具研究价值的材料,则按其生境习性与美化环境相结合,选择适宜地点栽植。因限于经济关系,无力开辟苗圃,只在附近开垦一,二亩地作为栽植之用,又在陈师住宅周围,因地势较复杂,正宜于各种植物生长,于是逐年开辟,渗淡经营,数年 The following year after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Huan-tuan teacher returned to director of Lin’s Department of Xida. In 1947, Comrade Jiang Ying was recommended as the director of the Department of Forestry. However, he devoted himself to restoring the predecessor of the Guangxi Botanical Institute at the Xida Plant Institute. The site was set at the Agricultural College. At one time, the forestry and plantation workers supported each other and supported each other The reputation. With Chen Shi get along more than ten years, its scholarship, enough for future study. Each collected by the collectors back from the wild wax wax specimens, seeds, seedlings, etc., Chen will personally check, where the research value of the material, according to their habits and beautify the environment combine to choose the appropriate site for planting. Due to limited economic relations, the inability to open nurseries, only in the vicinity of reclamation of one or two acres of land as a planting purposes, but also around the residence of Chen Shi, because of the more complex and suitable for a variety of plant growth, so year by year, infiltration of management, Years
根据笔者的实践经验,仙客来在栽培过程中应掌握以下四个要点: 一、一缩一放:8月下旬,当仙客来进入半休眠期时将球茎从盆中倒出,剥去15%的泥球表层上,使肉质根裸露,置于倒扣的
一觉醒来发现枕边落了不少头发,洗头时头发成把成把地掉——如今,脱发成为困扰都市女性的一大问题。专家认为,都市女性脱发除了和频繁洗发、工作压力 Wake up to find a lot