
来源 :国际地震动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaodong618
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由联合国救灾署、联合国开发计划署和苏联共同主办、联合国教科文组织参加的“地震预报和减轻地震损失国际学术讨论会”于1986年10月8日至14日在苏联塔吉克加盟共和国首府杜尚别举行。近百名苏联地震学家和地震工程师以及来自其它31个国家的42名地震学家和地震工程师出席了这次会议。会议涉及了地震预报和减轻地震损失,地震危险性评定和地震灾害控制,地震预报的科学基础,地震预报和地震灾害的杜会、经济及组织问题,成功与不成功的地震预报的实例以及地震预报实验场诸问题。与会专家共宣读了43篇论文、报告,研讨了地震预报和减轻震害工作的现状,对于正在一些国家中进行的国际或国家地震预报实验场的研究工作给予了高度的重视。会议举办了小型书展,安排了与会者参观塔吉克抗震建筑与地震研究所、杜尚别地震台和努列克水电站大坝抗震工程。 The “International Symposium on Earthquake Prediction and Earthquake Loss Mitigation” co-hosted by the UN Rescue and Development Commission, the United Nations Development Program and the Soviet Union took place from October 8 to October 14, 1986 in the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan, Do not hold. Nearly 100 Soviet seismologists and earthquake engineers, as well as 42 seismologists and earthquake engineers from 31 other countries attended the conference. The meeting covered earthquake prediction and mitigation of earthquake loss, seismic hazard assessment and control of earthquakes, the scientific basis of earthquake prediction, earthquake prediction and earthquake disaster prevention, economic and organizational issues, examples of successful and unsuccessful earthquake prediction, and earthquakes Predict the experimental field problems. A total of 43 papers, reports and discussions on the status of earthquake prediction and earthquake mitigation work were read by experts attending the conference, which pays great attention to the research work of the international or national earthquake prediction experimental field being carried out in some countries. A small book fair was held and attendees were arranged to visit the dam anti-seismic project at the Tajikistan Institute of Earthquake-proof Buildings and Earthquakes, the Dushanbe Seismological Station and the Noelike Hydropower Station.
为确定反演对各种岩性环境的适应范围,用8/12~55/65Hz 零相位子波对下列环境的四种理论测井记录生成了一组垂直入射情况下的合成地震记录道:1.阿尔卑托(Alberta)煤盆地中的 G
本文利用模糊数学方法,对地震前地形变速率与地震的震级进行判别,取得了较好的效果。方法简单,是对地震震级进行预报的一种探索。 In this paper, fuzzy mathematics is use
This paper discusses the dependence of the phase error on the 50 GHz bandwidth oscilloscope’s sampling circuitry. We give the definition of the phase error as
她的作品脍炙人口、流传广泛,深得广大歌迷的喜爱和追捧。  她自出道以来始终关注并积极投身社会公益活动,是践行人间大爱、弘扬社会正气的典范,更是年轻人学习的榜样。  她的代表作品有《新绣金匾》《你是爱的主宰,我是爱的统帅》《崛起的深圳,民族的精神》等,翻唱过许多经典歌曲,其中包括《我和草原有个约定》《今天是你的生日》《我不想说再见》《说聊斋》《今夜无眠》《掌声响起》《女人是老虎》《军港之夜》《永远是