编辑同志: 您好! 热爱并订阅《大众电影》是从1992年开始,那年我读高一,从此便与《大众电影》结下不解之缘,也因此爱上了看电影,今年二十有七,看过的电影已逾四千部,而且每一部都记下了出品年份,编剧、导演、主演、摄影,足有七大本。通过在旧书摊的淘金,我现在已收藏有二百余本,但与迄今已出版的总共617期比较起来,却相差甚远,这也是一大憾事。 2002年《大众电影》大刀阔斧地改版,又回到了半月刊,妤,这实在是好!“封面故事”这个栏目很新,同类电影刊物没有谁敢也没有谁舍得用这样大的篇幅作人物专题报道!到今天,已绘出了35位影视人物,35段精
Edit comrades: Hello! Love and subscribe to “popular movie” is from 1992 onwards, that year I read high one, and then with the “popular film” indissoluble bond, and therefore fell in love with watching movies, this year two Seven out of ten, read the movie has more than 4,000, and each have recorded the production of the year, screenwriter, director, starring, photography, enough to have seven copies. I have collected more than 200 books now through the gold rush at the old bookstalls, but it is a far cry from the total of 617 issues so far published. 2002 “popular movie” drastic revision, has returned to the semi-monthly, 妤, it is really good! “Cover story” this section is very new, no one in the movie and no one who would dare to use such a large space for people feature stories Today, 35 video characters and 35 paragraphs are drawn