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体育运动,从古希腊奥林匹亚竞技到现代奥运会,走过了两千多年的漫长岁月。今天,我们已经踏在世纪之交的门槛上,人们从未像现在这样倾心呼唤体育职业道德的构建。从“一代球王”、“足球天才”马拉多纳的浮沉起落,可以清晰地看到,竞技体育既能给人以力与美的享受,也能给人以丑与恶的磨难。一旦背弃了奥林匹克精神,遗忘了体育职业道德,竞技体育会对人的全面协调发展带来多么巨大的负面影响。马拉多纳自16岁,即1976年开始其职业足球生涯,迄今在绿茵场上驰骋了二十几个年头,赢得了无数荣耀:1982年,当选“世界十佳足球运动员”;1986年,率阿根廷队夺得第13届世界杯赛冠军,当选世界最佳球员;1987、1989年,两度获南美冠军;1987、1990年,两获意大利联赛冠军;1989年,欧洲联盟杯冠军;1990年,第14届世界杯赛亚军;1993年,阿根廷足协百年庆典授予他该国历史上最佳球员称号。可以说,在20世纪世界足球史上,马拉多纳是与贝利、贝肯鲍尔等并驾齐驱的几个“足球天才,’之一。他以高超的足球技艺和辉煌的战绩,谱写了本世纪八十年代初到九十年代中叶的足球”马拉多纳时代“!可也是这个马拉多纳,在以足球征服世人的同时,又在球场内外演出了一幕幕举世震惊的道德丑剧:1982年,西班牙第12届世界杯赛,马拉多纳因比赛中大打出手而被红牌逐出场外;1996年,墨西哥第13届世界杯赛,以马 Sports, from ancient Greece Olympia athletics to the modern Olympic Games, gone through two long years of years. Today, we have stepped on the threshold of the turn of the century, people have never been so eager to call for the construction of sports professional ethics. From the ”generation of the king,“ ”football genius “ Diego Maradona rise and fall, we can clearly see that competitive sports can give both force and beauty to enjoy, but also gives ugly and evil Hardship. Once we abandon the Olympic spirit, we have forgotten how much the sports ethics and competitive sports will have a huge negative impact on the overall and coordinated development of people. Maradona has been a professional football player since she was 16, 1976, and so far has traveled more than 20 years on the pitch and has won numerous glories. In 1982, she was elected ”Top Ten World Footballers“. 1986 Year, the rate of Argentina won the 13th World Cup champion, was elected the best player in the world; 1987, 1989, won the South American Championship twice; 1987,1990 years, won two Italian League titles; 1989, the UEFA Cup champion; In 1990, the 14th World Cup runner-up; 1993, the Argentine Football Association Centennial celebration awarded him the title of the country’s best player. It can be said that in the history of world football in the 20th century, Diego Maradona is one of the few ”soccer geniuses“ who are in line with Bailey, Beckenbauer, etc. He wrote excellent football skills and brilliant records The early eighties of this century to the mid-nineties football ”Maradona era " can also be this Diego Maradona, while conquering the world football, at the same time inside and outside the stadium staged world-wide shocked Moral clown: 1982, the Spanish 12th World Cup, Diego Maradona hit the game due to be kicked out of the red card; 1996, Mexico 13th World Cup, horse
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