
来源 :江苏经济探讨 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoogar002
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如何加快发展苏北,这是多年来各方面人士殚精竭虑、共同探索的一个问题。在建立社会主义市场经济条件下,继续深入探索这一问题,尤为必要。 一、充分发挥苏北四市的整体优势,优化资源配置 90年代,我国经济开放的新特点是,从沿海开放扩展到沿江(长江)、沿线(陇海──兰新铁路),由此构成了“π”字型的开放格局。江苏是全国唯一拥有三沿优势的沿海省份。苏北沿海则是这三线的战略交汇点,在我国和我省经济开放、开发格局中,具有十分重要的枢纽地位,其区位优势十分重大:(1)苏北沿海及其腹地有极其丰富的土地、劳动力、海洋资源的矿产资源;(2)是我国和我省重要的农业商品生产基地;(3)近年来已发现多处可建深水海港的条件。是我省经济发展的后劲所在。但存在的问题也很明显:(1)交通运输建设滞后,特别是缺乏与发达地区、大的中心城市直接联系的现代交通干道;(2)区域内中心城市经济实力不强,而且分布稀疏,迄今还是我国沿海省份中经济欠发达的地区。 为了充分发挥苏北沿海区位优势的作用和根本扭转苏北欠发达的面貌,有同志提出在苏北建一条沿海铁路。我们认为这一观点值得重视。拥有区位优势的苏北,将在对 How to speed up the development of northern Jiangsu is an issue that many people in various fields have worked hard to explore together over the years. Under the condition of establishing a socialist market economy, it is especially necessary to continue exploring this issue in depth. First, giving full play to the overall advantages of the four cities in northern Jiangsu and optimizing the allocation of resources In the 1990s, the new feature of China’s economic liberalization was that it expanded from the coastal areas to the Yangtze River along the Yangtze River and along the Lan-Xin Railway, The “π” type of open pattern. Jiangsu is the only coastal province in the country with three advantages. The northern Jiangsu coast is the strategic convergence point of these three lines. It plays a very important pivotal position in the economic openness and development pattern of our country and our province. Its location advantage is very significant: (1) the coastal areas of Jiangsu and its hinterland are extremely rich Land, labor and marine resources; (2) an important agricultural commodity production base in China and our province; and (3) the conditions for the construction of several deep-water seaports have been discovered in recent years. It is the stamina of our province’s economic development. However, the existing problems are also obvious: (1) transport construction is lagging behind, especially the lack of direct communication trunk roads with direct links to developed areas and big central cities; (2) the central cities in the region are not strong in economic strength and sparsely distributed, So far is still economically underdeveloped areas in China’s coastal provinces. In order to give full play to the role of sub-coastal areas in northern Jiangsu and fundamentally reverse the underdeveloped aspects of northern Jiangsu, some comrades proposed to build a coastal railway in northern Jiangsu. We think this view deserves attention. Subei with regional advantages, will be right
AIM To describe echocardiographically left ventricular false tendon characteristics and the correlation with ventricular repolarization abnormalities in young a
【正】 抗战初期,章衣萍携眷到四川成都,任成都大学教授。原配吴曙天去世后,续娶同事广东任玉仙为妻,生一子,取名章念天。据说现侨居美国。养女张小萍,在四川温江县百货公司
The knee is frequently affected by severe orthopedic changes known as hemophilic arthropathy(HA) in patients with deficiency of coagulation factor Ⅷ or Ⅸ and
一、人类基因组图谱制作计划的缘起 1985年Robert Sinsheimer(在Santa Cruz的加州大学校长)首先提出人炎基因组图谱制作计划(human genorne mapping project)(简称“基因组