The Different Family Values between China and America

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  【Abstract】With the development of globalization, intercultural contact is becoming increasingly axiomatic and pervasive;however, the values and behaviors of a particular culture may not be understandable and family values may not be acceptable in another culture. Therefore, communication among people from different cultures will become more complex. This paper aims at revealing some different family values possessed by Chinese and Americans and intends to introduce that different cultures have a strong impact on the family values.
  【Key words】Family value;Chinese culture;American cultures;Cultural influence;Differences
  According to cross-cultural communication theory, language is the key factor in the complicated process of cross-cultural communication. The inconsistency in language would result in ineffective communication. For the people belong to the same language background, the same or similar language information exists so that these people could connect the language information with the things related. However, people with different language background could not catch on to what the other party is saying or just misunderstand them not only because of the language barrier, but also due to the cultural differences. With strikingly different cultures, Chinese and American people unavoidably possess different family values.
  2.Literature Review
  In order to make the readers get acquainted with the two cultures by which they are influenced, it is necessary to define “culture”. The anthropologist, Clifford Geertz, defines culture as a “historically transmitted pattern of meanings embodied in symbols by means of which men can communicate, perpetuate and develop their own knowledge about and attitudes towards life”. Indeed, Geert Hofstede calls culture the “software of the mind”. In other words, while human beings all have the same “hardware”, the human brain, our “software” or “programming” is rather different. That depends on the culture we experience.
  3.The Difference of Chinese and American Family Values
  In China, family value is the primary basis of the philosophical system, and this concept is seen as a noble virtue to be cultivated. As is known to all that filial piety is considered as the first virtue in Chinese culture. The term “filial’, relating to “of a child”, denotes the respect and obedience that a child, originally a son, should show to his parents, especially to his father. However, family values in America are different from that in China. American family is usually constituted by parents and children. Despite of being considered as members of the family, relatives of the family are independent in terms of economy. Thus, it is not necessary for them to carry out obligations of directly-related members of the family. But they are still considered as family members. The Americans’ emphasis on individual freedom and the belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. In America, everyone is taken for granted as individual,thus should have their own rights which cannot be deprived away. Generally speaking, the concept of “family value” is rooted in each individual culture, making it different for different societies. In addition, culture is by no means static and it changes over time in response to economic, political and cultural development.   4.Suggestions for Reducing Difference in Family Value
  The best way to reduce difference in family values is to conduct communication and mutual understanding between people with different cultural background. Cultural understanding and blending is a long and painful process. It needs two sides to make pains-taking efforts. In the process of intercultural communication, no matter which country people come from, they should show their respect and be tolerant to the other side. It is possible that the main stream of American culture and Chinese culture coexist. Meanwhile, it is necessary to propagate our traditional culture to the people all over the world and enable people from different cultural backgrounds know each other better. In addition, we can also learn more from other cultures so that mutual understanding is not far away.
  It is true that culture have a great influence on the people from different countries. Cultural differences have great influence on family values in terms of different relationships between parents and children, different educational thoughts and methods, and different attitudes toward the old. As a matter of fact, the biggest obstacle between people with different cultural backgrounds is not the language but the way they are thinking and the culture by which they have been influenced. However, with the rapid development of the economic globalization and scientific technology, and thanks to the swift and convenient transports and communication tools, cultural exchanges are much more frequent than ever before. On the other hand, although people can master another language, alter their colors of hair from black to yellow or red and even change their diet habits, they cannot simply change their thinking patterns shaped by the culture under which they have grown up to a large extent. Therefore, only when we overcome the cultural influence, can we eliminate the difference of family values between different countries. [科]
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