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近年来,各地区各部门按照中央的要求和部署,有计划、有步骤地开展政务公开工作,不仅提高了政府工作的透明度和公信力,而且为从源头上预防和治理腐败提供了制度保证。江苏省南京市在构建权力阳光运行机制工作上取得了明显成效,在2008年3月的全国政务公开工作领导小组会上作了经验介绍。本期特刊发其做法,供读者参考。 In recent years, in accordance with the requirements and deployment of the Central Government, all departments and regions in all regions have conducted open and open government affairs in a planned and step-by-step manner, which has not only improved the transparency and credibility of government work, but also provided institutional guarantees for the prevention and control of corruption from the source. Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, has made remarkable achievements in building the operation mechanism of power sunshine. In March 2008, the leading group of the leading group of government affairs in our country made an introduction. This special issue of its practice for readers reference.
新课程标准要求英语教师不仅要具有合格的专业素质,而且还要掌握相关的教学理念和教学手段。本文结合农村教育教学实际和多年的教育教学体会,笔者现从以下几方面谈几点浅见:  一、初中英语教师的素质有待提高  众所周知,大力发展素质教育,教师是关键。高素质的英语教师以及渴求学习、积极进取的学生是提高英语教育质量的重要保证。那么,目前农村初中英语教学中师资状况如何呢?  农村师资力量薄弱,许多正规师范大学毕业
甲:我国上映的武打片你认为哪一部功夫最好? 乙:我认为《少林寺弟子》功夫最好。甲:从何说起? 乙:《少林寺》打完了一身泥,《武林志》打完一身汗,唯有《少林寺弟子》打完了
Gold! Gold! Gold!Gold, in the very sands of theseashore! Gold, some said, evenclinging to the anchors of ships off-shore!All across the world, men heardabout t
The room is carpeted.On the center of the rugthere is a vase of flowers.Nine people are sitting ina circle around it and one of them is holding a talk-ing stic