Establishing the Public Sphere and Abolishing the Private Domain:The Rise of a Doctrine and Its Soci

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·历史学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahonglin
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The dominant views regarding the concepts of the public(gong)andthe private(si) took shape in the Spring and Autumn period and matured in the succeeding years of the Warring States period.This paper is an attempt to trace both the growth of the vocabulary containing gongand siand the development of philosophical views regarding issues that center on the relation between the individual and the larger social/communal/political body,of which that individual is a member;it also touches on issues related to the proper handling of public afrairs and the relation between state,sovereign,and the individual.The era is often characterized asThe Contention of the Hundred Schools of Thought,notwithstanding it ended with but one view that is universally accepted by thinkers of diverse persuasion,namely,si is the source of all social evil and.therefore,should be condemned.This is the doctrine known as ligong miesi(abolishing si so gong may be established),which contributed to the orthodox for that era and the millennium to come.By extolling gong and condemning painted a portrait of the Pair as two irreconcilable nomas or forces in social and political life;it provided a iustification for the then emerging new social arrangement and Ways of distribution of power and resources.and it also led to acute conflicts between the sovereign andthe state,the ruledandthe ruler,the stateandthe subject,as well as the public sphere and the private domain.
Historical studies in ancient China have left us many bountiful legacies.One of them is the theory of(objective) history,whose major characteristics can be loos
在非洲大草原上有一种鸟,叫做槲鸡。这种似鸟又似鸡的动物奔跑速度非常快,它每秒钟可以跨出20步,时速达40公里,远远超出了我们平时骑自行车的速度。正是槲鸡的这种善于奔跑的能力,使它获得了“Roadrunner”的雅号,翻译成中文就是“马路奔跑者”或“跑路者”。连著名的NBA球队圣安东尼奥马刺队的前身——得克萨斯槲鸡队,也借助了槲鸡善于奔跑的美称。  槲鸡属杂食类动物,常常捕捉草原上的蚂蚱等小型昆虫为
一、我区企业工资收入分配现状  (一)工资基数长期以来低于全国平均水平, 职工工资总额在GDP中的比重较低  内蒙古自治区的年均职工工资基数一直处于较低的水准上,与全国平均水平相比,2000-2008年之间相差约2600元,2009-2010年差距缩小至1500-1000元左右。虽然从工资的增速上看我区的工资增速较高,但从另一侧面也反映出多年以来由于我区工资水平一直偏低,其略有增长就会导致增长速度