2007年12月28日,备受关注的常柴30万台多缸柴油机基地一期工程投产庆典在常柴长江路厂区隆重举行。中国机械工业联合会、中国内燃机工业协会、中国农机流通协会,江苏省农机局,常州市委、市政府及各相关部门的领导,常柴供应商、经销商代表,有关媒体记者与常柴的领导、员工等近1 000人共同见证了常柴发展史上这一具有里程碑意义的重要时刻。30万台多缸柴
On December 28, 2007, the start-up ceremony of the first-phase project of Changchai 30000 multi-cylinder diesel engine base attracting much attention was held at Changjiang Road Changchai Road. China Machinery Industry Federation, China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association, China Agricultural Machinery Circulation Association, Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Machinery Bureau, Changzhou Municipal Party Committee, the municipal government and the relevant departments of the leadership, Changchai suppliers, distributors, media reporters and Changchai’s leadership Nearly 1,000 people, including staff members, witnessed the landmark milestone in the history of Changchai. 300,000 sets of multi-cylinder diesel