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2002年是我国加人WTO后的第一年,下半年还要召开党的十六大,做好社会保障工作至关重要。加入WTO后,如何在全方位对外开放和全球化的条件下制定科学合理的收入分配政策,维护社会稳定,是我们做好社会保障工作所面临的一个巨大挑战。经过十多年的努力,我们虽然初步建立起了适应社会主义市场经济需要的社会保障体系的基本框架,但还不尽完善,管理也不很规范。朱镕基总理前不久在考察辽宁试点工作时指出,必须充分认识完善城镇社会保障体系工作的艰巨性、复杂性,要切实转变作风,既要大胆探索, The year 2002 was the first year after China joined the WTO. In the second half of the year, it is still necessary to convene the 16th CPC Congress. It is of utmost importance to do a good job in social security. After China’s accession to the WTO, how to formulate a scientific and reasonable income distribution policy and maintain social stability under the conditions of all-round opening up and globalization is a great challenge we face in our work of social security. After more than 10 years of hard work, although we have basically established the basic framework of a social security system that meets the needs of the socialist market economy, we have not yet improved it and our management has not standardized itself. Not long ago during his visit to the pilot project in Liaoning, Premier Zhu Rongji pointed out: We must fully recognize the arduousness and complexity of perfecting the work of urban social security system and the practical transformation of work style. We must boldly explore,
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