
来源 :山东农药信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhusanhuiit
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草地螟属间歇性暴发、迁飞性、杂食性害虫。根据全国农技中心组织专家会商预测,2015年草地螟一代幼虫在新疆阿勒泰、内蒙古中西部偏轻至中等发生,西北、华北、东北大部轻发生,发生面积约500万亩。如果夏季境外虫源大量集中迁入,不排除二代幼虫在局部暴发的可能。为做好防控工作,特制定本方案。一、防控目标重发生区及时开展应急防治,控制幼虫大规模群集迁移危害,防控处置率达到90%以上,防治效 Meadow borer is an intermittent outbreak, migratory, omnivorous pests. According to the consultation organized by the National Agricultural Technology Center, the first generation of larvae of Meadow Borer occurred in Altay, Xinjiang and central-western Inner Mongolia in 2015, with mild to moderate incidence. Most of the larvae occurred in Northwest, North China and Northeast China with an area of ​​about 5 million mu. If a large number of overseas concentrated source of insects moved in summer, do not rule out the possibility of second-generation larvae in the local outbreak. In order to do a good job in prevention and control work, we formulated this plan. First, the prevention and control of the target area of ​​occurrence of emergency prevention and control in a timely manner, control of large-scale colonization of larvae migration hazards, prevention and control rate of 90% or more, control effect
和你在一起的时间总是那么短暂,平淡的幸福总来得那么突然,仿佛一场大雨从天而降,最幸福的事就是有你帮我撑伞。 The time with you is always so short, bland happiness a
①增产显著.作物使用增产菌后,平均增产10%以上.②提高品质.如水稻蛋白质增加,棉花纤维增加,西瓜糖 ① significant yield increase crop yield increased bacteria, the a
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