Calculation of circulation in the South China Sea during summer of 2000 by the modified inverse meth

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On the basis of hydrographic data obtained in August 2000 cruise, the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is computed by the modified inverse method in combination with SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis. For study of the dynamical mechanism, which causes the pattern of summer circulation in the SCS, the diagnostic model (Yuan et al. 1982. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,4(1):1~11;Yuan andSu. 1992. Numerical Computation of Physical Oceanography.474~542) is used to simulate numerically the summer circulation in the SCS. The following results have been obtained. (1) The central and southwestern SCSs are dominated mainly by anticyclonic circulation systems. They are mainly as follows. 1) There is strong anticyclonic eddy southeast of Vietnam (W1). Its horizontal scale is about 300 kin, and it extends vertically from the surface to the about 1 000 m level. 2) There are a warm eddy W2 southeast of Zhongsha Islands and the anticyclonic circulation system W3 west off the Luzon Island. 3) There is a stronger cyclonic eddy C1 between the anticyclonic eddies W1 and W2. 4) A strong northward coastal jet is present near the coast of Vietnam, and separates from the coast of Vietnam at about 12° N to the northeast.(2)The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system. There is a cyclonic circulation system near and north of Section N2. (3) The southeastern SCS is dominated mainly by the cyclonic circulation system. (4) Comparing the results of circulation in the SCS during the summer of 2000 with those during the summer of 1998, it is found that they agree qualitatively, but there is the some difference between them in quantity. This shows that the circulation in the SCShas obviously seasonal feature. (5) The dynamical mechanism which products the basic pattern of summer circulation is because the following two reasons: 1) the joint effect of the baroclinity and relief (JEBAR) is essential dynamical cause; and 2) it is next important dynamical cause that the interaction between the wind stress and bottom topography under the southerly monsoon. (6) Comparing the hydrographic structure and distribution of stream functions with the SSH data from TOPEX/ERS-2 analysis in the SCS during August of 2000, they agree qualitatively.
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