紧紧围绕加快实施科教兴市战略步伐,胶南市推出五大举措。 一、领导重视努力创造科教兴市大环境 把创造科教兴市氛围和环境纳入市委、市政府的重要议事日程,成立了以市长任组长,分管副书记、副市长任副组长及科技、经济、计划、经贸、财贸、城建、教育、农业、人事、财政、乡镇企业和技术监督等部门主要负责人为成员的市科技工作领导小组。负责定期研究决定带有全局性的重要科技政策和任务,协调各部门的科技工作关系,抓好各业务部门的协作配合。
Focusing on accelerating the pace of implementing the strategy of rejuvenating the city through science and education, Jiaonan City introduced five major measures. First, the leadership attaches great importance to efforts to create the environment for science and education to promote the city The creation of science and education to the city atmosphere and environment into the municipal government an important agenda, the establishment of the mayor as the leader, in charge of deputy secretary, deputy mayor as deputy leader and Science and technology, economy, planning, economy and trade, finance and trade, urban construction, education, agriculture, personnel, finance, township enterprises and technical supervision departments are mainly responsible for the municipal science and technology work leading group. Responsible for regular research and decision-making with the overall situation of important science and technology policies and tasks, coordinate the various departments of the work of science and technology, do a good job in all business cooperation and cooperation.