面向海洋开发 积极开拓服务——国家海洋局北海分局青岛海洋预报区台服务情况简介

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浩瀚的海洋,占据着整个地球表面的三分之二,对人类社会,政治和经济发展有着重要的作用。随着世界人口的激增、陆地资源的消耗、科学技术的发展,许多先进国家纷纷提出了“向海洋进军”的口号,于是由传统的开发方式转向海洋资源的全面开发利用。尤其是正在兴起的世界范围“新的产业革命”,更加展示出海洋事业的广阔前景。随着海洋开发事业的蓬勃发展,不能不对海洋环境科学提出许多新要求,除了要更进一步地调查、研究和保护海洋环境外,还要及时准确地提供海洋资料情报和环境预报服务。众所周知,大风、海浪、海雾、气温、海水温度、盐度、海流、海冰、潮汐和风暴潮等水文气象诸要素,都与人类开发海洋活动息息相关。及时准确地提供这些资料情报和要素预报,不但可以保证规化设计的管理,保障海上工作人员、运输工具和各种海洋工程设施的安全,而且还可以提高开发利用海洋的经济和社会效益。近年来,我国的海洋环境预报服务及其它服务工作正在积极开 The vast ocean, which occupies two-thirds of the entire surface of the earth, plays an important role in human social, political and economic development. With the surge in the world’s population, the depletion of land resources and the development of science and technology, many advanced countries have put forth the slogan “marching toward the sea.” They have shifted from the traditional mode of development to the full exploitation and utilization of marine resources. In particular, the emerging “new industrial revolution” in the world is even more revealing the vast prospects of marine affairs. With the vigorous development of marine development, marine environmental science can not but demand many new requirements. In addition to further investigation, research and protection of the marine environment, timely and accurate provision of oceanographic information and environmental prediction services should be provided. It is well known that hydrological and meteorological elements such as windy waves, sea waves, sea fog, temperature, seawater temperature, salinity, currents, sea ice, tides and storm surges are closely related to the development of marine activities by mankind. The timely and accurate provision of these data and forecasts can not only ensure the management of the regulatory design, ensure the safety of seafarers, transport vehicles and various marine engineering facilities, but also enhance the economic and social benefits of developing and utilizing the sea. In recent years, China’s marine environment forecast services and other services are actively open
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内蒙古毕力赫金矿位于华北克拉通北缘白乃庙-温都尔庙增生杂岩带,该杂岩带属于西拉木伦和赤峰-白云鄂博断裂带之间的早古生代白乃庙弧(Xiao et al.,2003).毕力赫矿床主要由Ⅰ、Ⅱ号矿带和22-29号矿脉组成.矿床多受NW和NE向组成的菱形格子状断裂控制,发育于二叠纪中酸性火山岩和基-酸性的钙碱性侵入体杂岩中.本文认为毕力赫矿床可能经历了较为特殊的流体演化和成矿过程:矿床具有典型的斑岩型蚀变
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