功于周密 成于机巧——谈“9.11”抢劫台胞巨款案的侦察技巧

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1995年9月11日,江苏省徐州市发生一起抢劫台胞50余万元钱财的恶性案件。案发后,市局副局长王铁兵率领刑警支队和邳州市局的干警经过7个昼夜的侦察,抓获全部案犯,追回赃款赃物。严密推理准确判断9月11日23时许,一伙蒙面持刀歹徒窜至邳州车辐山乡梁河村村民郭方中家,翻墙入院,跺门入室,用绳子捆绑和刀子刺划郭妻韩玲侠、女儿郭艳和郭方中从台湾回归的叔父郭建坤,抢走郭建坤的51020元美金、18件金首饰、2块手表和1架照相机等折合人民币达50多万元的财物。接报后,市局副局长王铁兵和刑警支队支队长张清化、副支队长孙洁仁,邳州市局局长胡居桂、副局长张荣新分别带领徐、邳两级刑侦部门的侦、技人员赶到现场,开展侦察工作。从现场的塑料袋上发现并提取了一枚案犯的右手拇指残缺指纹,案犯遗留在现场的一根捆绑受害人用的尼龙绳。据3名受害人反映:案犯全部用黑布蒙面,持长刀和手电;一名操当地口音的案犯在作案过程中对郭艳讲:“别人花钱买我们来的,你弟弟在车辐山 On September 11, 1995, a vicious case of robbing more than 500,000 yuan of money from Taiwan compatriots occurred in Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. After the incident, the Municipal Bureau deputy director Wang Tiebing led Interpol detachment and Zhuozhou Bureau of the police after 7 days and nights of reconnaissance, arrested all the criminals, stolen money recovered stolen goods. Tightly determine the exact judgments 23 o’clock on September 11, a group of masked knife gangster fled to Zhuozhou car Fangshan Xiang Lianghe village villagers Guo Fang Zhongzhong, over the wall admission, 跺 door into the room, tied with a rope and knives stabbed Guo wife Han Ling Xia Guo Yan and Guo Fangzhong’s uncle Guo Jiankun, who returned from Taiwan, took away Guo Jiankun’s 51,020 yuan worth of gold, 18 gold jewelery, 2 watches and 1 camera, equivalent to more than 500,000 yuan worth of renminbi. After receiving the report, Wang Tiebing, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, Zhang Qinghua, deputy detachment of Interpol detachment, Sun Jieren, deputy detachment captain, Hu Juigui, director of Zhuozhou City Bureau, and Zhang Rongxin, deputy director led the investigation and technical personnel of the criminal investigation departments at both levels to the scene to carry out Reconnaissance work. From the plastic bags on the scene to find and extract a case of right thumb thumbs fingerprints, the case left behind at the scene of a bundle of victims with nylon rope. According to the three victims, all the criminals were masked with black cloth and held long knives and flashlights. A native accent murderer told Guo Yan when committing the crime: ”Someone else bought us and your brother was at Carver mountain
进入冬季以后,流感增多。人们关于流感的长时间通用的一些认识,其实都是错误的。若举例.可谓误读流感一箩筐。 After entering the winter flu increased. Some people’s l