Phase-Plane Invariant Analysis of Pressure Fluctuations in Fluidized Beds

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glggg
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Partial agglomeration is a major problem in fluidized beds. A chaotic analytical method based on the phase-plane invariant of the pressure fluctuations in the fluidized beds has been used to warn of ag-glomeration at an early stage. Cold tests (no combustion) and hot tests (combustion) in fluidized beds show that the phase-plane invariant of the pressure fluctuations can distinguish the dynamic behavior of fluidized beds with different flow rates in cold tests. With combustion, when the flow rate was kept constant, agglom-eration was detected very early by looking at the phase-plane invariant. The phase-plane invariant can be used to distinguish changes in fluidized beds due to changes in the flow rate, agglomeration, or various other factors. Therefore, this reliable agglomeration early warning system can be used for better control of circulating fluidized beds. A chaotic analytical method based on the phase-plane invariant of the pressure fluctuations in the fluidized beds has been used to warn of ag-glomeration at an early stage. Cold tests (no combustion) and hot tests (combustion) in fluidized beds show that the phase-plane invariant of the pressure fluctuations can distinguish the dynamic behavior of fluidized beds with different flow rates in cold tests. with combustion, when the flow rate was kept constant, agglom-eration was detected very early by looking at the phase-plane invariant. The phase-plane invariant can be used to distinguish changes in fluidized beds due to changes in the flow rate, agglomeration, or various other factors. Therefore, this reliable agglomeration early warning system can be used for better control of circulating fluidized beds.
作为第一个吃螃蟹的人,不论人们怎样议论纷纷,张继升都是一个赢家。一方面“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,一方面又能呼风唤雨,搅得天地翻覆,万众瞩目,这就是张继升的境界。 As the fir
1 1/2GC-5型泵是GC系列泵中规格最小的一种泵,是小型锅炉的成套设备。因为这种小型多级离心泵具有较高的扬程,有些山区的果农购置此种泵作为果园的浇灌泵。小型的GC系列泵,