
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SHAWSHAW11
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解放战争时期,部队开展新式整军运动。当时,胡耀邦同志在晋察冀野战军任四纵队政委。他看到战士们学习热情很高,但因文化低,缺少适用的学习材料,就组织文字编辑和谷岩、陈明以及图片编辑郑拓编写了《人民军队三字经》。这本通俗易懂、图文并茂的小册子,共57段,系统地、深入浅出 During the War of Liberation, the armed forces carried out a new type of whole-army movement. At that time, Comrade Hu Yaobang served as political commissar of the fourth column in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army. He saw the high enthusiasm of the warriors in learning. However, due to their low culture and lack of suitable learning materials, they organized the text editor and editor in chief of Gu Yan, Chen Ming and the photo editor Zheng Tuo. This easy to understand, illustrated brochure, a total of 57 paragraphs, systematically, explain profound theories in simple language
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据媒体报道,位于日本冲绳的美军嘉手纳空军基地不久将迎来54架号称“世界最先进”的美国F-35“闪电”2隐形联合战斗机。此外,首架部署太平洋地区的F- 22“猛禽”战斗机也已经
频频突破“和平宪法”的日本自卫队,日益不满足于仅仅“自卫”。它因而成为一支令人担忧的武装力量。同样令人担忧的是,它的5个掌门人,都是“鹰派”人物。 Japan’s Self-De
线索不光来自报刊。很多人在报刊上捞不到发言权,但是他们会上网。网上虽然很乱,但是披沙拣金,总会发现更多线索。 Clues come not from newspapers. Many people can not g
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