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一、接奉华东军政委员会东办秘字第○六三九号令,转中央政务院人民监察委员会监贸字第三七号函开:「本案经本委派员前往调查,并对各失职人员核定左列之处分,业经政务院备案。一、前徐州贸易公司经理申友鸿,在领导工作上,缺乏责任心,不虚心倾听群众意见,又不能接受经验教训,进行深入检查,以致在棉花失火后,又发生粮食群众,对于已抢出棉花更久延未予处理,使之大半烂毁无用,似此官僚作风,连续造成棉粮严重的损失,实属有失职责,应予撤职处分。二、前徐州贸易公司所属粮油公司副经理,现任徐州粮食公司副经理葛治安,负主管粮食责任,对上级保粮指示,不加研究执行,下级反映粮食将要霉坏,又不设法解决,因之使粮食发生霉坏,应予记大过二次处分。三、前徐州贸易公司副经理马仲常,监委田诚,前百货公司理经现任花纱布支公司经理李信升及前徐州贸易公司东关仓库主任,现任花纱布公司课长刘延福,均有责任,各记大过一次。前副经理现任百货公司副经理徐华,及前徐州贸易公司所属粮油公司经理现任徐州市工商局科长杨廉二人,也有相当责任,各予以记小过一次处分。四、现任山东省工商部副部长,兼前山东省贸易公司经理王福海,对棉花失火拖延一年之久不加处理,对粮食霉损事件,只作一般指示,缺乏领导责任,惟该员已作深刻检讨,且自请处分,应从轻予以警告处分。五、前任山东省工商部长,现任华东贸易部副部长杨浩庐,对棉花失火未尽到领导上的责任,应予以劝告处分(原拟批评,因批评不是处分,现改为劝告)。六、山东省人民政府副主席郭子化,曾自请处分,应予免议。」 First, the East China Military Commission East Office secret letter No. 0639th order, transfer Central People’s Political Consultative Committee People’s Procuratorate, supervision of the letter on the 37th letter: “The case by the Commissioners to investigate and verify the dereliction of staff left First, the former Xuzhou trading company manager Shen Youhong, lack of responsibility in leadership work, not humbly listen to the opinions of the masses, they can not accept the lessons learned, in-depth inspection, so that after the fire broke out in cotton For the masses of grain, they have not dealt with the fact that cotton has been stolen for a long time and have not been disposed of so that most of them are useless. As a result of such bureaucracy, continuous losses of cotton and grain have been caused in a row, which is a disqualification and should be rescinded. The deputy manager of the company’s grain and oil company, the incumbent Deputy General Manager of Gezhouan Xuzhou Food Company, is in charge of food responsibility, higher grain insurance instructions, without research and implementation, the lower reflects the food will be bad and not try to solve, so that the food mold Bad, should be remembered more than twice .In three, former vice president of Xuzhou trading company Ma Zhongchang, the Commission Tiancheng, the former department store manager of the current flower gauze branch manager Li Xinsheng and former Xuzhou The company manager of the east warehouse, the incumbent Liu Yanfu spent gauze company manager, have the responsibility, remember more than once.A former deputy manager of the department store Xuhua, deputy manager and former trading company of Xuzhou City, grain and oil company manager Xuzhou City Administration of Industry and Commerce Section chief Yang Lian two, also have a considerable responsibility, each to remember a small punishment once .In four, the incumbentShandong province vice minister of commerce and industry, and former Shandong province trading company manager Wang Fuhai, one year delay cotton fire without treatment , Only for general instructions on grain mold damage incidents, the lack of leadership responsibility, but the member has conducted a profound review, and since the disposal, should be given a warning to punish .5, former minister of Shandong Province Trade and Industry, the current Vice Minister of East China Trade Yang Hao House , The cotton did not fire to the leadership of the responsibility, should be advised to punish (originally intended for criticism, criticism is not punishment, is now changed to an advisory.) Guozhua, vice chairman of Shandong Provincial People’s Government, once requested to be punished should be exempted Discuss. ”
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那年中秋节的夜晚,我刚好坐在从外地出差回家的火车上。我的对铺坐着一个年轻的小伙子,他不时抬腕看着腕表,忽然站起来对大家说,能关一下灯吗?大家都不解地问,为什么?小伙子红着脸说,一会儿会有一列火车从旁边经过,车上坐着我的妻子,我们刚刚约好了,一会儿当两列火车擦肩交错时,她在她的窗口点上一支蜡烛,我在我的窗口点上一支蜡烛,我们好彼此看上对方一眼——我们已经有半年多的时间没有见面了。  听了小伙子的话,