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弱智儿童与普通儿童一样,都具有儿童的特点,只是在某些方面存在着程度不同的缺陷和差异。弱智儿童的认识活动(特别是思维活动)缺陷,同语言发展欠缺是互为因果的,形成恶性循环。所以,弱智儿童都具有轻重不一的语言障碍。1992年上半年,我曾到芜湖市弱智学校宁渊小学,对两名弱智儿童进行智力量表测查。一个是孟某,男孩,12岁,小学四年级学生。测量结果,操作分:15.5,语言分:23.5,全量表分:39,智力重度缺损。另一个是许某,女孩,13岁,小学四年级学生,测量结果,操作分:60,语言分:43,全量表分103,智力轻度缺损。这两个儿童的语言发展都存在不同程度的障碍。什么原因造成他们的语言障碍?带着疑问,我走访了他们的老师,从中得到一些启示:1.生理因素:儿童的许多语言障碍都是由生理原因引起的。(1)遗传因素:孟某的父亲就有些弱智。孟某在家排行第三,前面两个姐姐,智商也很低。(2)产前因素:许某母亲曾怀过一葡萄胎,两年后怀上许某。2.社会文化因素:社会文化因素是影响儿童心理正常与否的重要原因。(1)父母年龄:父母一方年龄超过40岁,孩子出现言语障碍的机会较多,比例较大,孟某的父亲48岁才有孟某。(2)父母的智商及教育程度: Mentally handicapped children, like ordinary children, have the characteristics of children, except that in some respects, they have different degrees of defects and differences. Mentally handicapped children’s cognitive activities (especially thinking activities) defects, lack of language development is mutually causal, forming a vicious circle. Therefore, mentally retarded children have different levels of language barriers. In the first half of 1992, I went to Ningyuan Primary School, a school for mentally retarded children in Wuhu City, and conducted an intelligence check on two mentally handicapped children. One is Mengmou, boy, 12 years old, fourth grader. Measurement results, operating points: 15.5, language points: 23.5, the total score points: 39, severe mental retardation. The other is Xu, a girl, 13 years old, fourth grader, measurement results, operation points: 60, language points: 43, the total scale points 103, mild mental impairment. There are varying degrees of hurdles in the language development of both children. What causes their language barrier? With some questions, I visited their teacher and got some inspiration: 1. Physiological factors: Many children’s language barriers are caused by physiological reasons. (1) Genetic factors: Meng’s father some mentally handicapped. Mengmou ranked third at home, the first two sisters, IQ is also very low. (2) Prenatal factors: Xu mother had pregnant with a mole, two years later pregnant with Xu. 2. Socio-cultural factors: Socio-cultural factors affect the psychology of children is an important reason for the normal or not. (1) Parents’ age: when one parent is older than 40 years old, children have more chances of speech impairment and a larger proportion. Mengmou’s father, 48, has Mengmou. (2) Parents’ IQ and education level:
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