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专项查办和决策督查都是督查工作的重要内容,而通过督查工作者的努力,把某些专项查办转变为决策督查,则是督查工作的一种创新和发展。安平县委督查室在办理“鲁争复学”这一领导批办事项中,更新督查观念改进督查方式,将这一具体批办事项的办理逐步推向了大范围、高层次的决策督查,收到了由“小”变“大”的效果。1996年2月10日,衡水市委主要领导收到一封安平县贾屯村五年级小学生鲁争的来信。这位小学生在信中反映,自己家庭经济本就拮据,父亲又遭车祸,在生活难以维持的情况下,被迫中途辍学,恳请领导出面帮助自己回到心爱的学校。这位领导阅信后当即指示安平县委千方百计解决鲁争小朋友的困难,尽快使他重返校园。安平县委随即作出安排,并要求县委督查室督查这一事项的落实。督查室依照督查程序,迅速按领导批示要求协调有关部门妥善解决了鲁争的生活困难,在10日内把车祸处理完毕,15日内 Special investigation and decision-making and supervision are all important contents of the work of supervision and inspection. By supervising the efforts of the workers and turning certain special investigations into decisions and inspections, it is an innovation and development in supervision work. Anping County Commission for Discipline Inspection in the handling of the “Lu struggle for further study,” the leadership of the batch of approved items, update the supervision concept to improve the inspection methods, the specific batch of items handled gradually pushed to a large area, high-level decision-making supervision Check, received by the “small” change “big” effect. February 10, 1996, Hengshui municipal party committee leaders received an Anping County Jia Tun village fifth grade puppet war letter. The primary school student reflected in her letter that her family economy had been strained and that her father was in a car accident and was forced to drop out of school while her life was hard to sustain. She urged leaders to come forward and help them return to their beloved school. Immediately after reading the letter, the leader instructed Anping County Committee to make every effort to solve the difficulties of striving for children and to return to school as soon as possible. Anping County Committee immediately made arrangements, and asked the county inspection office supervision of the implementation of this matter. In accordance with the inspection procedures, the supervision office promptly coordinated the relevant departments according to the instructions of the leaders and properly solved the difficulties in life. After the accident was handled within 10 days, within 15 days
Aphids are marked by their high polymorphism,but species reported from the Early Cretaceous are known only from alate morphs.The discovery of an apterous adult
本文报道一种抗髓系细胞分化抗原单抗HI98,属于 IgM,与90%以上人外周血粒细胞,72%单核细胞和56%骨髓细胞反应。与一些上皮细胞有交叉反应。HI98单抗能抑制胎肌浸液诱导的人 G
本文主要介绍近年来有关人胎生长发育调节的某些内分泌因素。垂体—肾上腺轴(PAA)人胚发育至7周时,形成肾上腺皮质芽基,于第4月迅速长成“胎儿皮质”(X 区),它是胎儿肾上腺
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中国成为世界首个可应用H1N1流感疫苗的国家,这一举措受到多国媒体的关注,最新一期的《科学》杂志也发表了一篇专题文章China First to Vaccinate Against Novel H1N1 Virus