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1805年,丹麦小镇欧登塞的一间破旧小屋内,住进了一对年轻的夫妇。丈夫是个鞋匠,却颇有些文学方面的爱好。妻子比他大几岁,是一个朴素的女人,有着虔诚的宗教信仰和慈爱的心灵。不久以后,这间破旧的小屋内躺着一个刚刚降生的婴儿。婴儿没完没了地啼哭,声音响彻天空,在被抱到教堂接受洗礼的时候,牧师口无遮拦地喊道:“这孩子的哭声简直就像猫的尖叫!”听到这话,婴儿的母亲生气了:“你在说什么呀?”“对不起,太太。”牧师只得换了一副面孔说,“孩子的哭声越大,长大后他的歌声就会越优美。”果然,许多年后,这个孩子用夜莺般的“歌喉”向全世界唱起了童话之歌,他的名字就是安徒生。 In 1805, a young couple was admitted to a dilapidated cottage in the Danish town of Odense. Her husband is a shoemaker, but quite a few literary hobbies. How old is his wife than he is a simple woman, with devout religious beliefs and loving hearts. Soon after, a newly born baby lay in this old shack. The baby cried endlessly, his voice rang to the sky, and when he was taken to the church for baptism, the priest shouted without a blanket: “This child’s cry is almost like a cat’s scream!” Heard this If the baby’s mother is angry: “What are you talking about?” “Sorry, my wife.” The priest had to change his face and said, “The bigger the child’s cry, the more his singing grows It will be more beautiful. ”“ Sure enough, many years later, the child sings a song of fairytale to the world with a nightingale-like ”song throat". His name is Andersen.