
来源 :历史教学问题 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghongyingyxl
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“基础”,顾名思意,乃是一事物的根基起点。历史学科的基础知识是学生学习历史这门科学过程中必须掌握的基本内容,传授历史基础知识是历史教学必须完成的三项任务之一,而且是完成其它两项任务的基础。那末,怎样把历史基础知识讲“活”,更好地全面完成三项任务呢? 1.努力再现历史过程,为学生正确感知提供条件。人的认识是在大量的感性认识的基础上得以升华,上升到理性认识的。因此,要讲“活”历史教材中的基础知识,首先要努力通过各种途径,再造历史表象,把教材上简约的 “Foundation”, by definition, is the starting point of a thing. The basic knowledge of the history discipline is the basic content that must be mastered in the scientific process of students’ learning history. Teaching history basic knowledge is one of the three tasks that must be completed in history teaching, and it is the basis for completing the other two tasks. Then, how can we say “live” in the basic knowledge of history and better complete the three tasks? 1. Work hard to reproduce the historical process and provide conditions for students’ correct perception. People’s understanding is sublimated on the basis of a large number of perceptual knowledge and rises to rational knowledge. Therefore, to speak the basic knowledge of the “living” history textbook, first of all, we must strive to reproduce the historical representation through various means, and simplify the teaching materials.
本文介绍了 RTU 维修试验台的结构与工作原理,提出了解决 RTU 故障的可行性措施。 This paper introduces the structure and working principle of the RTU maintenance te
本文分析了郑州北站YIS系统中维护集中式基带板带来的突出问题,提出了用分离式基带传输器替代的优越性和建议,并在生产实践中进行了试验和论证。 This article analyzes the
1640年12月25日,法国数学家费尔马(Pierre de Fermat,1601—1665)在他给数学家莫森(Marin Mersenne,1588—1648)的一封信中,提出一个定理(实际上是一个待证的命题):形如4n+1
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