高级路面机械化施工讲座——第一讲 沥青混凝土摊铺机

来源 :筑路机械与施工机械化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenaabb1111
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随着我国国民经济的持续稳定的发展,交通运输的任务日趋繁重,对于加速修建高等级公路的要求也愈来愈迫切了。高级路面的铺筑必须依赖于机械化施工,才能提高铺筑速度,保证工程质量,降低工程成本。这些,已被越来越多的领导干部、工程技术人员和广大职工所认识和接受。可以预料在我国国民经济发展第七个五年计划期间,我国高级路面的施工将有一个较大的发展,我国高级路面机械化施工的水平也将有较大的提高。为了满足形势发展的需要,参考日本高速道路部高野漠先生所著《铺筑机械的使用方法》和日本道路协会铺筑委员会所编《水泥混凝土路面铺筑纲要》两本书的有关内容和其它资料编译了《高级路面机械化施工》作为讲座的形式连续发表,以供同志们借鉴和参考。本讲座共分十讲,以沥青混凝土路面和水泥混凝土路面机械化施工中所用机械的使用方法为主,把机械使用和施工方法有机地结合起来,并贯穿一定的机械化施工组织和工程管理内容以期对广大基层施工和管理干部的业务提高有一定的促进作用。由于本讲座取材于国外版书刊,其内容不一定完全适合于我国国情,我们在编译过程中除尽力作到取材与国情结合外,也希望读者在阅读时能结合国情和各自工程实际问题提出宝贵的修改意见。 With the continuous and steady development of our national economy, the task of transportation is becoming more and more heavy. It is also increasingly urgent to speed up the construction of high-grade highways. Paving of high pavement must rely on mechanized construction in order to speed up paving, ensure project quality and reduce construction cost. These have been recognized and accepted by more and more leading cadres, engineers, technicians and workers. It can be expected that during the period of the Seventh Five-Year Plan for National Economic Development in our country, the construction of China’s advanced pavement will have a greater development and the level of mechanization of advanced pavement construction in our country will also be greatly improved. In order to meet the needs of the development of the situation, reference is made to the contents of “The Use of Construction Machinery” by Mr. Takayuki Ogata of Japan Expressway Division and the two books of “Cement Concrete Pavement Compendium” compiled by Japan Road Association Pavement Commission and others Data compilation of “advanced pavement mechanization construction” as a continuous delivery of the seminar for comrades to learn and reference. This lecture is divided into ten chapters, with asphalt concrete pavement and cement concrete pavement mechanization used in the construction of the main method of use, the use of machinery and construction methods organically integrated, and through a certain mechanization of construction and engineering management content to The grassroots construction and management cadres improve the business has a certain role in promoting. Since this lecture is drawn from foreign books and periodicals, its content may not be entirely suitable for the national conditions of our country. In addition to making best use of the materials in combination with the actual conditions of our country, we also hope that readers will be able to combine the national conditions with their own practical problems when reading The views of the amendment.