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死刑犯安乐三在押赴刑场执行枪决的途中表现异常,引起了监督执行死刑的助理检察员刘明智的注意,经再三审问犯人,刘明智断定这很可能是一起错案。于是执行死刑的命令被暂缓执行,调查小组秘密出动,最后案情终于露出庐山真面目……这不是虚构的故事情节,而是三十年前一起真实的旧案。由于种种原因,案件内情一直不被局外人所知晓,也曾经引起一些不明真相的人的疑问。事隔三十年后,笔者利用工作之便走访了所有健在的主要当事人,弄清了这起冤案的来龙去脉。现披露于世,以飨读者。黄泉路上喊冤一九五五年十二月三十日,山东省胶县(今胶州市)人民检察院助理检察员刘明智突然接到命令,院党组决定由他负责监督对反革命杀人犯安乐三执行死刑。这天上午,天气阴沉,刺骨的西北风夹杂着零星小雪,卷起了一阵阵尘土。刘明智深知任务并不轻松,万一执行 The death row victim, An Lok-san, was in custody on the execution ground during the execution of the execution and was executed abnormally. It aroused the attention of Liu Ming-chih, an assistant prosecutor who supervised the execution of the death penalty. After repeatedly interrogating prisoners, Liu Mingzhi concluded that it was most likely a wrong case. So the execution of the death sentence was suspended, the investigation team secretly dispatched, and finally the case finally revealed the true colors of Lushan ... ... This is not a fictional storyline, but a real old case thirty years ago. Due to various reasons, the inside information of the case has never been known to outsiders and has caused some doubts about people who do not know the truth. After a lapse of thirty years, I used my work to visit all the major parties that are alive and well and find out the ins and outs of this unjust case. Now disclosed in the world to readers. On January 30, 1955, Liu Mingzhi, an assistant procurator of the People’s Procuratorate of Jiaozhou, Shandong Province, suddenly received an order that the party’s party decided to supervise the implementation of the anti-revolutionary murderer An Lue San on December 30, death penalty. This morning, the weather gloomy, piercing northwest wind mixed with sporadic snow, rolled up waves of dust. Liu Mingzhi knows the task is not easy, in case of implementation
案例 1992年3月30日,平凉市毛呢厂李某,驾驶37—01997跃进客货车,在西兰线15km+865m处(陕西彬县境内)会车时,因下雨路滑,车速过快,转弯时采取措施不当,结果造成单方“倾覆”
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