
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shagen_gw
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一九八五年六月十九日,湖南省华容县人民法院刑事审判庭公开审理了一件盗窃案。公审开始后不久,被告人以“回避权、辩护权得不到保护”为由大闹法庭,大叫“法律是虚伪的,法院不实事求是”,迫使法庭三次休庭,影响极坏。 被告人刘国荣,男,二十七岁,汉族,高中文化,原系华容县洪山头镇聘请的计划生育专职人员,一九八二年因犯贪污罪曾被判有期徒刑一年零两个月。刘犯劳改刑满释放后,因原恋爱对象张××曾揭发过自己的犯罪行为, On June 19, 1985, the Criminal Trial Division of Huarong County People’s Court of Hunan Province publicly heard a theft case. Shortly after the commencement of the public trial, the defendant, appearing on a trial-court grounds of “evasion of authority and lack of protection of defense,” shouted that “the law is hypocritical and the court does not seek truth from facts”, forcing the court to adjourn the court three times, with a very bad influence. The defendant, Liu Guorong, male, 27, Han nationality, high school, was originally a full-time family planning employee hired by Hongshan Town, Huarong County. He was sentenced to a fixed term of imprisonment of 28 years in prison for one year and two months . After committing remission of punishment by Liu, Zhang XX, a former love object, exposed his criminal behavior,
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一、加强和改革实验教学,激发学生学习物理的兴趣    物理学是一门实验科学,物理概念的建立与物理规律的发现,都以实验事实为依据.  实验是物理学的重要研究方法,只有重视实验,才能使物理教学获得成功,学生只有通过实验观察物理事实,才能真正理解和掌握知识.  1.通过趣味新奇的物理实验演示,激发学生的好奇心理,从而激发他们思索的欲望.这样就会使学生对这课感兴趣、印象深、易理解、记得牢.通过实验演示,能
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