Hepatocellular carcinoma and multidrug resistance: Past, present and new challenges for therapy impr

来源 :World Journal of Pharmacology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheng285292970
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Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is the most frequent form of liver cancer and the third most common cause of cancer-related death in the world. The main risk factor worldwide for this type of malignancy is chronic hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections. Advances in early detection and treatmenthave improved life expectancy of patients with HCC. However, this disorder remains as a disease with poor prognosis. In fact, epidemiological studies have revealed that there is an 8-mo median survival rate in patients, approximately 20% of whom survive one year while only 5% remain alive after three years. Additionally, HCC is particularly difficult to treat because of its high recurrence rate, and its resistance to conventional chemotherapy is due, among other mechanisms, to several members of the ATP-Binding Cassette protein family involved in drug transport being overexpressed. Fortunately, there is evidence that these patients may benefit from alternative molecular-targeted therapies. This manuscript intends to provide further insight into the etiology and molecular mechanisms related to HCC development and the latest therapeutic approaches to treat this malignancy. The development of effective delivery systems of antitumor drugs able to target the liver parenchyma is also assessed. Finally, the prospects in the development of more efficient drug therapies to overcome multidrug resistance are also examined. The main risk factor for this type of malignancy is chronic hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infections. Advances in early detection and treatmenthave improved life expectancy of patients with HCC. However, this disorder remains as a disease with poor prognosis. In fact, epidemiological studies have revealed that there is an 8-mo median survival rate in patients, approximately 20 % of whom survive one year while only 5% remain alive after three years. Additionally, HCC is particularly difficult to treat because of its high recurrence rate, and its resistance to conventional chemotherapy is due, among other mechanisms, to several members of the ATP -Binding Cassette protein family involved in drug transport being overexpressed. Fortunately, there is evidence that these patients may benefit from alternative molecular The development of effective delivery systems of antitumor drugs able to target the liver parenchyma is also assessing the etiology and molecular mechanisms related to HCC development and the latest therapeutic approaches to treat this malignancy. Finally, the prospects in the development of more efficient drug therapies to overcome multidrug resistance are also examined.
目的:本研究的目的是确定中国黑龙江省农村地区盲和低视力的患病情况以及原因;角膜疾病的致盲情况;白内障患病率和手术概况。    方法:以人群为基础,采用整群随机抽样方法。包
与书结缘,不知从何时起,只晓得在牙牙学语时便对那带有温度的方块字情有独钟。出生之际,虽没有抓周习俗来预测前途和性情,但总感觉那一脉墨香自是从宿命中飘忽而至。  儿时,对一
目的:研究整合素α2β1在骨肉瘤中的表达,探讨其对骨肉瘤肺转移的影响以及与骨肉瘤预后的关系。为骨肉瘤病例发生肺转移的预防提供理论指导和治疗方案。   方法:应用酶联免
6月24日—27日,由教育部等16家单位共同主办的2011年全国职业院校技能大赛在天津举行。本次比赛项目覆盖面进一步拓宽、项目设置紧扣新兴产业发展和升级需求,共设16个专业类别55个竞赛项目,来自全国各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市的38支代表队5038名选手参加了比赛。  围绕本次大赛还安排了相关系列活动,共有一次演出、四次会议、四项展览,即:民族地区职业院校学生才艺汇报演出;全国职业院校纪念建