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就科技英语中一些主要由拉丁语产生的常用词组进行辨析,对于情报研究工作的语言文字变换,有着积极的促进作用,可以使翻译工作者准确地把握词义,表达原文。本文分两部分。第一部分对非英语词组辨析的六个要点加以阐述。首先从语音规律、其次就语源分析、再次就语法变化等方面加以说明,然后谈到由纯拉丁语词组到混合词组、直到变成英语化词汇、最后乃至形成国际化语汇的一系列发展过程。此外,作者还就非英语词组翻译的要求,谈了个人的一些看法。第二部分系词组辩析对照表。作者将经过挑选的常用的81个非英语词组按字母顺序排列,以便于检索。鉴于篇幅限制,将原稿三万字压缩改写成本文,原稿末附有的主要参考文献14种,暂亦从略。本文是继《日语对外来语词汇标音规律》之后对国际化语汇进行探讨的第二篇文章。在当前科技情报研究工作中,语言文字变换—翻译—仍有许多terra incognita(未知的领域)待我们开拓和探讨。在一个大的印欧语系中的各语族语支和语种,彼此之间,固然各有差异,但在各自语言发展的历史长河中,彼此经过相互融合、渗透和影响,究属同源同流,所以有许多语汇乃为大家所接受而共同使用,就中尤以科技词汇多是如此。他们的翻译工作,比起我们似乎要容易得多。作为一个独立语系的汉语来说,不但与印欧语系迥然不同,即与日语等语种,也是悬殊极大。 The analysis of commonly used phrases in EST mainly from Latin can promote the linguistic transformation of intelligence research work and enable translators to accurately grasp the meaning and express the original text. This article is divided into two parts. The first part expounds six points of non-English phrase discrimination. First of all, from the phonetic rules, secondly on the source analysis, again on the grammatical changes and other aspects to be described, and then talked about from pure Latin phrases to mixed phrases until it becomes English-based vocabulary, and finally to a series of international vocabulary development process. In addition, the author also made some personal comments on the requirement of non-English phrase translation. The second part is the dialectical reference list. The author will be selected by the commonly used 81 non-English phrases in alphabetical order for retrieval. In view of space limitations, the original thirty thousand words compressed rewritten into text, the original end of the attached 14 major references, temporary also omitted. This essay is the second essay to discuss the internationalization of vocabulary after “Japanese law of phonetic transcription of foreign words”. In the current work of scientific intelligence research, language translation - translation - there are still many terra incognita (unknown areas) to be opened up and explore. In a large Indo-European language family of languages ​​and languages, although different from each other, but in their long history of language development, through mutual integration, infiltration and influence, belong to the same source , So many languages ​​are accepted by all for common use, especially in science and technology vocabulary. Their translation work seems much easier than ours. As an independent language of Chinese, not only with the Indo-European language is very different, that is, with Japanese and other languages, but also great disparity.
AIM:To study and provide data on the evolution of medical procedures and outcomes of patients suffering from perforated midgut diverticulitis. METHODS:Three dat
本院计划局成立於一九四九年十二月,今年一月开始配备干部,现在共有工作人员六名(领導同志在内)。计划局主要的工作可以分为计划和调查两部分: 计划工作四个月来的计划工作