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肠道易激综合征中医证治姚玉江苏省苏州市第七人民医院(215151)关键词肠道易激综合征/中医药冶疗肠道易激综合征是胃、肠道常见的生理功能性紊乱疾病。临床常以慢性胃肠炎、慢性结肠炎、胃肠神经官能症等来统称。治疗亦常以抗菌、助消化和苦寒类中药投之,疗效... Irritable Bowel Syndrome TCM Syndrome Treatment YAO Yu-jie Seventh People’s Hospital of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (215151) Key words Intestinal irritable bowel syndrome / Chinese medicine Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is the stomach, intestinal common physiology Functional disorders. Clinical often chronic gastroenteritis, chronic colitis, gastrointestinal neurosis, etc. collectively. Treatment is often antibacterial, digestive and bitter cold type of traditional Chinese medicine vote, the effect of ...
妇外周血中胎儿细胞的发现和分子生物学技术的进步 ,为无创伤性产前诊断技术的发展开辟了新途径。这一技术与传统的产前细胞学检查相比 ,对母亲和胎儿更安全可靠且更易为孕妇
为提高唐氏综合征的检出率,用三联试验(即孕母血清AFP、E_3和hCG)对不同年龄孕妇进行唐氏综合征筛查。 用美国1974~1997年期间13~49岁各年龄女性所分娩活产儿的出生率统计结果
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